Need some OLD Instructions

  • Last Post 15 May 2015
vmwilson posted this 14 May 2015

I'm looking for a copy of instructions for a set of shotshell dies that were made by Ted Smith of Shooters Accessory Services in Oregon back in the 70's.  Used to use them in a .38 to shoot rats and preferred them to the Speer capsules.  That little black cup maybe was made by Alcan, don't remember, but source for those is also needed. Had a tumbler kit from him too but that's long since gone and believe he may have sold out to Corbin also in OR but nothing I could find on their web site.


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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 15 May 2015

if you have a lathe, i have a bunch of falloff stubs of UHMWPE ... ideal for making shotcups .. or other flexy plastic doo-dads . pm me if interested . oh, 1 inch dia, 3-5 inch length.

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