When I first joined this site I could select part of a thread and clip it by "share" to Evernote or OneNote. I mostly used Evernote. They have got too expensive so now I use OneNote exclusively. Only problem is this site now returns the error "No Internet, Check your connection ". Yes I'm connected. Yes there are one or two other Forums that do this also but none I frequent as much as this one. Why is it important? I clip info of interest to me so I can easily search and find it again and in some cases to ensure access and a record if the site in question disappears. OneNote also has offline access which is brilliant where I have my phone but no internet.
I'm guessing it is something to do with the platform that hosts this site, or the software that is used. But why? Surely it is not a deliberate block? I have not checked but I'm also guessing the other sites with the same issue use the same software or hosting. Any of you clever persons have a solution?
John - New Zealand