Which Meetplat design/profile for a clean cut hole in deer hide in these two RCBS bullets for my 44-40WCF Henry Origional Henry rifle; 44-200-FN .428" dia verses 44-200-CM .428"/.430" dia
I do know that when hunting if you can put a exit hole that will not close up right away by the skinn/hide touching back up that the deer will bleed out faster and leave a nice blood trail should it make it past eye sight after being shot.
For my birthday next month I am trying to decide on getting the CM which I can use for 44-40WCF and 44spl/44MAG. I would be using it for deer hunting . I currently own the Lyman 427666 200gr and it shoots nice out of my 44-40WCF but I can't load it in 44SPL/44MAG (I use the Lyyman 429421 245gr for my 44SPL/44MAG loads)
It would be nice to have a cast bullet that would work for all three but not if it does not punch a hole in the hide.
GOD, United States of America, US Marine Corps, Family, Self