posted this
06 August 2022
I am sure that the business is operating a full speed and as fast as molds can be made. With the web stats available to any web site owner, Al can determine what molds are getting viewed the most and in what order they are viewed. He is probably focusing the production on the most popular (viewed) molds and accessories. A smart and savvy business owner would.
Unfortunately for weirdo's like me, the one mold he made for the 183.23 grain 8.48 x 66.45 Oddballium Rifle with its gas checked boat-tail hollow-point spire sold in December to another weirdo and he probably won't be machining one until next year since only one of them ever sold in the last 5 years. I bet his focus is on handgun bullets and popular rifle calibers and weights.
I did just order a HP mold for my 38-55 rifle last week. All the aluminum molds were sold out so I paid a little extra and got the brass mold which was available. I am glad I did. Boy is it beautiful. The mold shipped the NEXT DAY and was in my mailbox 3 days later.
So like Coydog mentioned, the demand for bullet molds is through the roof right now but seems to be on the decline. Midway and other online sources seem to have some common Lyman, Lee, and RCBS molds back in stock and available. Accessories and such are beginning to appear as well. Powder is starting to show up but sells out within a few hours.
I am happy to see the small businesses doing so well. Good for them. We weirdo's just need to maintain our patience while they toil away and satiate the demands of the new market. Fortunately most of those tyro's will quickly tire of the casting endeavor when they run out of stuff to melt.
With rifle in hand, I confidently go forth into the darkness.