Washington state benchrest championships

  • Last Post 02 August 2021
Pentz posted this 28 July 2021

I write to congratulate John Schauf and Al Richardson for sponsoring the shoot at the Paul Bunyan range in Puyallup, WA.  That facility is a great place to shoot.  The winds there will test the best readers around, even the locals.  Great job, to all that contributed and shot!!

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John Alexander posted this 29 July 2021

Agree that congratulations are in order.  Great match with great turnout and some great shooting.

This kind of event keeps the CBA competitive program going.


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  • Bud Hyett
John Schauf posted this 29 July 2021

Thanks Mike.  You shot extremely well. Thanks for your help during the match and afterwards. Everyone pitched in to help make it a successful event. I'm already looking forward to next year.  John

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  • Bud Hyett
MarkinEllensburg posted this 30 July 2021

I had a good time in spite of my poor performance. John did a great job with this match. He is skilled at shooting, mold milling, and assembling a team of volunteers to make for a great two day match. Great venue too. Thanks John and all those who helped.

bench view


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  • Bud Hyett
billwnr posted this 30 July 2021

Were there any Hvy and Unlimited class shooters?  The results only show PBB and Pro.

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John Schauf posted this 31 July 2021

We had one heavy rifle and one hunter class, the rest were plain base and production.  We seem to be into plain base here in the Puget Sound.  John

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billwnr posted this 31 July 2021

No Heavy or Hunter class is attached.

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John Schauf posted this 31 July 2021

 It should be when Ed Krasney finishes his spreadsheet and it gets posted to Match Results.  John

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Bud Hyett posted this 31 July 2021

I'll have a full report hopefully tomorrow or Sunday. There are extenuating circumstances for the full report. I am planning a WORD document for John to send out and post. I had surgery on the bone graft in my jaw yesterday and am still slow from the drugs and surgery effects. The doctor put in the inserts to begin building my jaw for teeth.

In the ten days before the match, Alice and I worked each day to get targets and score sheets ready, build her a better load, and practice. She had foot surgery December 9th that has not healed correctly and she is affected by that. She has surgery scheduled next week that will finally fix the problem. I think special recognition goes to Alice for her persistence in the support. I normally work three days straight and take a day off, but the need was there to work ten days straight. The cancer is persistent. We both took three days off this week to catch up on our rest and again be able to function. 

Note: Between the metal in my back where they fused my spine removing the tumor and now replacing my lower jaw with leg bone and titanium plate, I'll never be cremated. They'll haul me down to a smelter to recover all the precious metal.

Farm boy from Illinois, living in the magical Pacific Northwest

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  • Ken Campbell Iowa
billwnr posted this 01 August 2021

Bud,  sorry to hear you and Alice are having issues.  Getting old isn't for sissies, is it.  I had an eye operation (again) a little over two weeks ago.

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longhunter posted this 02 August 2021


I have never met you but I sure would like to.  My heart goes out to you and you wife.

We thank we have it bad.  All we have to do is look around and see someone else who is worse off than we are.

Our prayers are with you.


Jon Welda CW5 USA Ret.

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Brodie posted this 02 August 2021

God bless you and your Wife Bud, I hope it all turns out for the best for you both.


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Bud Hyett posted this 02 August 2021

"Thank you" for your thoughts and prayers; the support of family and friends is very important and helpful. I wrote this for an understanding that we are all volunteers striving to do our best and sometimes events and circumstances have a greater impact than initially thought. We have since gotten the full reports out, but the events that day made only a short form report of the shooters who finished is what could be available for the award ceremony.

The full credit goes to Alice, she pushed on with foot pain and the added burden of trying to understand my approach. (Being a retired Boeing Process Engineer and Business Systems Analyst, I do not always think in conventional ways.) We pulled in Saturday morning just before 8:00 AM with all targets and backers stacked, ordered and ready to go. 

Yesterday, John Schauf sent the full report to all the shooters. Anyone wanting the full report, contact John or myself with your email and we will forward the results.

Note: I have an EXCEL spreadsheet for doing this plus an easy way to separate the categories and group the matches if anyone wants it. Drop me a message with your email and I'll forward it. 

Farm boy from Illinois, living in the magical Pacific Northwest

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