The deaf dumb and blind pig(me) found an acorn! After reading all about lube purging and hard-soft lube, no lube, etc. I tried some white lable xlox 2500+ instead of white label carnuba red. After 45 shots what I used to call powder fouling is no longer and there was no star of lube on the muzzle. The barrel was clean after 1 dry patch. The softer lube worked for me. Besides I don't have to warm up my lube sizer with a heat gun to use it. The bullet I used is an Eagan bore ride, 195 grn, with one grease groove and the tiny gc gap, 30 gr varget, gc. Only my first outing with the xlox but will keep using till proved wrong. The worst part was flushing all the red stuff out.
The Deaf, Dumb, and Blind Pig
- Last Post 30 August 2019
- Topic Is Solved
I think the white lable 45-45-10 works better , dries better for me than Lee's and much better than my homemade version. I still have to watch my seating dies and when things get gummed up, I clean them. The secret is to not use too much, 2 thin coats better than one thick one, but only if you need the second coat. Give it a try, no teacher like experience. My higher velocity bullets I still lube with my rcbs lube sizer during gc seating. I also pan lube some plain base bullets that are shot"as cast".
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Thanks for the reply. I've used Lee Liquid Alox cut with mineral spirits for many years but it takes forever to dry and I still have to dust the bullets with Motor Mica to keep from plugging up the seating dies. I was wondering:
Does the White Label dry faster and not plug up the seating die? Is it as good at preventing leading?
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Yes I use the liquid stuff, works great for big batches of bullets. You do mean the 45-45-10,right?
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Does anyone have any experience with liquid White Label?
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Yes,typical lube sizers aren't really set up for changing lubes.
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