I don't know John, it does sound a little Snarky but, did you miss this part of my post?
"While my rifles will shoot single groove, bore riding bullets, pretty well, my best results have always been with multi-groove bullets."
Sorry Frank didn't mean to offend. I did read that part but type of bullet is a different subject then how many to lube in a multi groove bullet
I don't know if you ever or have ever gone onto the ASSRA forum but, lubing less than all the grooves on a bullet has been talked about. The people that have promoted it, haven't done as well in matches and if you think that single shot shooters do less experimenting than CBA shooters, I don't think you would win a bet on it.
I do hang out on the ASSRA forum and have never seen that discussion but I'm sure you are right. Has anybody done more than talk about it?
I DON'T think nor have I claimed that CBA shooters do more experimenting. I don't think either bunch do much at all and both would rather follow the crowd..
I'm not trying to keep anyone from trying lubing any number of grooves that they might feel improves accuracy, I'm offering my experience and a reason that lubing all the grooves may be more beneficial, i.e. that the lube in the grooves, offers support to that area of the bullet, that may be unsupported w/o the lube.
I've offered my experience and thoughts, regarding this,can you suggest why a bullet will be more accurate by lubing a lesser number of grooves? If your not lubing them, why have them?
I am NOT claiming or advocating less lube is better for all loads. I am advocating more experimenting.
As far as why less might be better see Tom Gray's lube purging and similar theories. My reason is that one groove shot better this year than two when I compared the two options. As far as why have grooves (a different topic) see Dan Lynch's article in TFS which reported on results of test firing.
Regarding Indy Cars, since they been running them 65 years with the engine behind the driver (longer than they ran them in front of the driver) they must be doing that wrong now, by your logic.
Wow! That sure isn't my logic. Is it logic at all?
Your history is a little off but close enough. the Lotus/Fords came in 1963 and the Roadster with a Meyer Drake in front was still king.
Alway enjoy discussing things with you Frank and appreciate your posts.