T/C Contender Gun Porn

  • Last Post 23 June 2024
Aaron posted this 31 May 2022

The 375-JDJ on a new G2 frame. Shown with a cast 270gr GCFP cast bullet from the Accurate Bullet mold number 376265D.

The stock T/C .32-20 10" barrel shown with 110gr .308 HP Varmint bullets over a healthy dose of H110.

The 411-JDJ Wrist Wrencher shown with 340gr PBFP bullets cast from Accurate Mold 410340K. This one is a real beast.

Let's see some pics of your T/C pistols!

With rifle in hand, I confidently go forth into the darkness.

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gemihur posted this 04 December 2023

357/44 Bain & Davis in Encore

444 Marlin

7mm JDJ#2 aka 7mm Super Bower


I shoot, therefore I am

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Larry Gibson posted this 05 December 2023

22 Hornet......


Concealment is not cover.........

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Tom Acheson posted this 05 December 2023

Back in the '80's when handgun silhouette was getting wound-up, we had Thirsday afternoon practice sessions, shooting @ swinger targets. One of our shooters came with an original 10 1/2" TC chambered in 444 Marlin. He had some loaded rounds (jacketed bullets) and said he needed some of us to "help" fire-form his brass. Everyone shot (5) rounds.....and evryone drew blood.....what fun! No one asked to shoot another 5-rounds.


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Aaron posted this 06 December 2023

With rifle in hand, I confidently go forth into the darkness.

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  • gemihur
Aaron posted this 06 December 2023

With rifle in hand, I confidently go forth into the darkness.

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  • gemihur
Aaron posted this 06 December 2023

With rifle in hand, I confidently go forth into the darkness.

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  • gemihur
Aaron posted this 06 December 2023


With rifle in hand, I confidently go forth into the darkness.

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  • RustyZipper
Aaron posted this 06 December 2023


With rifle in hand, I confidently go forth into the darkness.

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  • RustyZipper
Aaron posted this 06 December 2023


With rifle in hand, I confidently go forth into the darkness.

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  • gemihur
Aaron posted this 06 December 2023


With rifle in hand, I confidently go forth into the darkness.

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  • gemihur
gemihur posted this 07 December 2023

Aaron, I admire a man who can mitigate recoil.

That's a beautiful pair of setups.

Are those both the same cast bullet?

What's the grain weight?

You pour nice lead, sir.



I shoot, therefore I am

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Aaron posted this 08 December 2023

Are those both the same cast bullet? What's the grain weight?


The 375-JDJ shoots a Accurate Mold 376265D bullet at 1700fps. It is one of my top performing, game getting calibers. I cast with Lyman #2 alloy and depend on pure penetration to go through the boiler room (end-to-end) so to speak. Recoil on the 375-JDJ is stiff but manageable.

The 411-JDJ is usually fired with the NEI 275411-SSK bullet at 1700fps but I have experimented with a 340gr bullet. The Accurate Mold 410340J and 410340K molds were used for load development. Truthfully, the recoil with these bullets was punishing in the T/C platform.

These two barrels are my "anything on earth" barrels and of late, I have been shooting tamer barrels. My most recent is the 38-55 barrel. While recoil is brisk in it, it is nowhere near the potential recoil of the SSK large caliber barrels. As you probably know, the recoil in the T/C platform is quite different than say, a Freedom Arms 454 Casull. In the T/C platform, the recoil is more linear to the rear, but in the revolver, it slips down into the palm if gripped properly. The 454 Casull is actually less punishing if your grip is correct (with wood slick grips - not Pachmayr grips).

For some reason, the cast bullets for both the 375 and the 411 always cast well, with no voids and very uniform weight. It's just one of those mysteries of the silver stream. cool

With rifle in hand, I confidently go forth into the darkness.

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  • RustyZipper
gemihur posted this 08 December 2023

Thank you for your perspectives.

We all learn from other's experiences when shared.

I follow in your shadow.

Thanks again!

I shoot, therefore I am

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shootcast posted this 20 December 2023

I have a few of those TC’s. Would you shoot a cast Bullet match if a class existed ? 100 & 200. Yard bench event. 

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Waleone posted this 20 December 2023

You're killing me Shootcast! More ideas I don't have time for right now! 15 more months until retirement, I can't wait to have more time!

Maybe a T/C Contender/Encore handgun only match immediately following our regular benchrest matches at Tamaqua? Would probably have to shoot less targets to fit it in, especially for you guys with long rides. I never shot cast out of my 7-30 Waters, I guess a 7mm mould is in my future now! 


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shootcast posted this 20 December 2023

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shootcast posted this 20 December 2023

My luckiest 5 shot. 

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shootcast posted this 20 December 2023

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shootcast posted this 20 December 2023

The poor mans custom. I love em

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shootcast posted this 20 December 2023

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Lucky1 posted this 20 December 2023

Shootcast- there is a class called Long Range handgun that already exists. 7 pound weight limit if a remember correctly.

Scott Ingle

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Tom Acheson posted this 20 December 2023

LRH yes, 7-pound weigt limit AND 15" barrel length limit. Very few shooters are active in the CBA LRH match category. Most gravitate to the UNP category. NO LIMITS of any kind except the action must be a "pistol" action. Have to believe everything in that world is bolt action.


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shootcast posted this 20 December 2023

I did it once. Honestly, Don’t ask me how. Most look like patterns.

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mashburn posted this 20 December 2023

All of these pretty pictures make me want to get my contender stuff out and have some fun. My Contender has been lying in rest for several years, but I bet it wouldn't take much to wake it up. 

Good job guys with all your pictures and articles.


David a. Cogburn

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John Alexander posted this 21 December 2023


The requirement that the action for Unrestricted Pistol Class be a pistol action has been dropped in that flurry of rule changes and clarifications we passed earlier this year. There are some limits on lengths if you use a rifle action  (ATF stuff).  

It never made much sense since there isn't a real difference between a XP100 pistol action and a 700 or 40X rifle action. 

Some of these "pistols" weigh over 50 pounds,  Far from a belly gun and no good in fast draw competitions,  But some of our shooters enjoy shooting the beasts.



5.8       Unrestricted Pistol – Any firearm meeting the requirement of 5.1 without restriction as to its weight or guidance means.  The competitor must place the firearm and cradle on the bench by hand.  Breech seating is allowed.  The firearm may not have a buttstock, only a pistol grip no longer than 6.5” measured from the rear of the trigger guard.  No restriction on weight or length of barrel, other than an unrestricted pistol built on a rifle action must maintain a barrel length of more than 16” and an overall length greater than 26” to adhere to federal law.

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muley posted this 21 December 2023

yea I would consider the match with my 7tcu, would be a great equalizer.

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muley posted this 21 December 2023

now that HL is gone the change could be made

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Waleone posted this 21 December 2023

Some beautiful TCs posted here guys! I'm not posting pics of mine since everyone knows what a factory issue Contender looks like!


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Aaron posted this 21 December 2023

They are elegant in their simplicity. Post away!

With rifle in hand, I confidently go forth into the darkness.

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shootcast posted this 21 December 2023

I enjoy shooting everything in the safe. Just about every class we have. Not necessarily successful. Just what I like to do. I keep coming back to these odd lookers. Something about them makes me want to shoot them.  I longed for a separate class of competition just using the Break Open exposed hammer style of arms.  Both pistol and rifle. TC’s have been manufactured since 1967 I believe. Needless to say there are millions of them around. Now that S&W bought out TC the manufacturing of these are in limbo. I think you can still get a G2 frame. But apparently no barrels or complete arms. Go figure ? However the used supply isn’t likely to dry up all that soon. Also CVA,Henry and a few others make similar arms . These are just one of those fun gun categories. I maybe the only shooter in years who brings one to our matches. True I could shoot that 30-20 pictured in LRH. That target is one of those you wish was shot in a legal match. Probably would be a record. Still it is in my mind. I know I did it. I also know from years of shooting it probably will never happen again with me pulling the trigger. These arms are capable even with me shooting them of some fairly nice accuracy. Won’t happen every time out. Good days and bad days. Nevertheless they sure are fun to shoot.

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Aaron posted this 21 December 2023

As you surmise, frames will be the issue. I think S&W has dropped the Contender/Encore line of frames and they are focusing on the inline rifles. Yuck!

There are plenty of used frames out there and lots of barrels, more so now that we boomers are heading to the eternal range in the sky. There are fortunately, a host of aftermarket producers of barrels like Bullberry and SSK. I have seen the SSK barrels advertised on MidwayUSA at reasonable prices. They are of course, "standard" chamberings. Bullberry makes excellent barrels of almost any chamber you wish. A full list of chamberings is on his website.

Newcomers to the Contender line get very confused with barrel/frame combinations. Specifically the Armour Alloy II frames and barrels. There are a considerable amount of folks who insist these are Stainless Steel. Oh well, such is life.

I doubt we will see T/C resurrect their barrel line in our lifetime, and those of us who shoot these fine guns will have to rely on the used market, with all of its risks, as well as aftermarket producers.


With rifle in hand, I confidently go forth into the darkness.

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Tom Acheson posted this 21 December 2023

Starting in 1979, my "job" at a silhouette match was gun check-in and certification. Then and through the '80's and '90's, the single most popular gun was a 10 1/2" TC chambered in 7tcu. I owned one TC for a short time, chambered in 32-20. But have owned maybe 6-7 XP-100's. I dud have and MOA in 7.62x39 and a BF in 7 US. Some guns are just too "busy" to use in a 2-minute 5-round match sequence.


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Bud Hyett posted this 21 December 2023

The Long Range Handgun class has never taken off for competition. The National Matches in the 2000's often had several competitors, but never enough to make a class eligible for National awards. The decline of Metallic Silhouette shooting is possibly a factor in the decline of the Long Range Handgun class since many shooters participated in both competitions.

When the weight limit for Long Range Handgun was five and one-half pounds, I campaigned a T/C Contender with a Bullberry .30 Herrett  barrel. Once the weight limit was raised to seven pounds, I campaigned a Savage Striker in 6mm BR. Both handguns were competitive. Switching to the Savage Striker in 6mm BR was for the better ability to control recoil in follow-through. 

One lesson is the cumulative effect of recoil in a match shooting the light Contender is huge. Starting at one hundred yards with the RCBS 30-180-SP mold with a bullet weighing 188 grains, by the two hundred range targets my hand and arm were tiring. Switching to the RCBS 30-165-SIL (168 grains as shot) at 200 yards and the SAECO #315 (174 grains as shot) at 100 yards, the slight difference in weight helped. 

Farm boy from Illinois, living in the magical Pacific Northwest

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Tom Acheson posted this 21 December 2023

The BoD meeting @ KC in 1998 discussed the change in weight for LRH from 5.5-pounds to 7-pounds. I was not on the BoD but was against it. The stated reason was to draw in silhouette shooters and allow more weight for thecscope.....never happened. At the time 5.5-pounds was the IHMSA Unlimited limit, that's with iron sights. The unstated reason was it would be "easier" to shoot NR's. At that match, Jess Miller and I were the only LRH shooters. He and were in LRH @ Raton in 2009. I've been to two other NT, both times alone in LRH, so yes, interest in LRh has been sparse.

But...in the last 3-years another local shooter has been entering the category along with me. Another local guy is saying he is building a LRH. It will not rise to the interest of UNP (Unrestricted Pistol) for several reasons, that I'll avoid describing here. 


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shootcast posted this 21 December 2023

Again I like shooting everything. I venture some into LRH with a XP. I do enjoy it. Part of the accuracy or lack of it comes from learning to shoot a light arm. Working up a load and so on. I’ve had some issues that have stumped me. I started doing better than the bottom dropped out, kinda. Think you have  been there before. I’m not giving up but I’m still like a kid in a candy store. Don’t think I will ever stay in just one class. The TC’s were very popular in IHMSA because they were accurate enough and more affordable.  Are they as accurate as a bolt or falling block? Probably not or we would be seeing them used in LRH. My experience it has been easier to group shots with the XP more often than not. My factory Carbine Shot in hunter class has turned a head now and then. If I had that confidence with the pistol I would try to complete in LRH. But in a class of its own I wouldn’t hesitate.

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gemihur posted this 24 December 2023

6x223 wearing custom forearm & grip

God bless America

I shoot, therefore I am

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shootcast posted this 25 December 2023


looks like a top secret sniper model used for our military shoots. LOL

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gemihur posted this 26 December 2023

"a top secret sniper model used for our military"

I like that perspective

Here's one that I snapped up for the rings!


I shoot, therefore I am

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RustyZipper posted this 06 January 2024

My kind of porn. Be Well, RZ

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Aaron posted this 22 June 2024

With rifle in hand, I confidently go forth into the darkness.

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Aaron posted this 23 June 2024

With rifle in hand, I confidently go forth into the darkness.

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Aaron posted this 23 June 2024

Varmint Load from above gun video.




With rifle in hand, I confidently go forth into the darkness.

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linoww posted this 23 June 2024

IHMSA #31 .22 lr Flatside.

It's really accurate shooter, but it's owner isn't ..





"if it was easy we'd let women do it" don't tell my wife I said that!

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