With the current cold storms down South, are the iggywannas froz stiff? I like still hunting, those guys can run fast when they are warm.
Still Hunting
- Last Post 3 weeks ago
- Topic Is Solved
No, but the news says they are falling out of the trees because they can't hang on with their cold feet.
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If they are just laying there, then still hunting is at it's best and I might go 10fer10.
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You're giving me ideas for when things warm up, Ross!
Sounds like good sport for my Henry .22 LR smoothbore. The hardest part will probably be finding LR shotshells when my supply runs out.
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i found the 22lr "dust" shot hard to find and very range limited. i use a single shot h&r in 357mag for garden protection. i load 7 1/2 or #4 shot in the case with a pinch of bullseye. the pattern opens up a bit due to the rifling, but still effective out to 15 yds with low noise and recoil. the case will also accomidate 2 buck shot pellets. several years ago i had a 22lr bird shot single shot rifle with a smooth bore barrel and a red dot sight as my "froginator" for harvesting bull frogs. stay well
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