Whatever President John and Ric might believe every single internet security expert agrees that it is foolish to freely post such information.
@Aaron and @Wilderness the information in your profile is not required for forum membership. Every single member of the forum and?or CBA can edit what is available.
instructions for editing is very simple:
Go to upper right MY TOOLS> click > in drop down click EDIT "username" and clear the fields you wish to not be made public. DONE.
If you feel you must for any reason share an email address do not write it a [email protected], rather post it as "smarter-way at no-spamers dot net"
Same with telephone numbers 423-875-1234 should be "four 2 three 87 fiver uno dos 3 4" the idea is to make it so information mining bots simply read it as words rather than the type of information you are communicating.
Webcrawlers also known as bots scour the internet and all sites with more frequency than legitimate users every minute of every day. This is done for all sorts of purposes including crime. Phishing, malware infestations, identity theft, data mining for guessing the answers to security questions for online financial transactions and accounts.
However that said is Jeffery's OP was for members of the forum to not post another persons personal contact information without express permission to do so. This includes events and event hosts.