Sharing Information - PLEASE READ

  • Last Post 03 June 2024
Jeffrey54776 posted this 24 May 2024

Please do not share anyone's emails that you have received that may contain any of their personal details, and please do not share information about any matches outside of our organization without express permission. This has recently happened on our forum unfortunately, and I spent some time on the phone with a gentleman both apologizing as well as removing his information and emails from our forum.

In today's age, security of your personal information online is a must. I cannot stress enough, please do not post anyone's personal information without their permission.


Jeffrey Sechrist CBA Webmaster

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Jeffrey54776 posted this 28 May 2024

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Jeffrey Sechrist CBA Webmaster

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Wilderness posted this 02 June 2024

Jeffrey - there is another privacy/security issue you should be aware of.

If I do an internet search, say for "hollow point cast bullets for hunting" one or more of our posts will come up and can be accessed. If then I click on the icon for one of the posters, myself or someone else, all the personal information for that person comes up, name, location, birth date etc. All good stuff for identity theft.

I cannot be sure if this will happen for someone who is not registered on the forum.

As far as I know, the only way I can prevent this exposure from happening is to delete all my old posts, or refrain from making posts. I also minimise the information behind the logo.

Edit: Bringing up a post that I have NOT contributed to produces the same result - access to personal details of all contributors.

You are only as good as your library.

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RicinYakima posted this 02 June 2024

 It appears that that doesn't happen if you don't do any social media sites, like Facebook. 

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Wilderness posted this 02 June 2024

Rick - all I can suggest is try it and see what you get.

However you look at it, displaying personal details to all and sundry, Facebook or not, is disquieting.

I don't do Facebook, though my wife does, but I don't see how this could affect access to personal details on an unrelated (?) forum.

Last time I checked, Cast Boolits seemed more secure - can't recheck just now since they're doing upgrades.

I'll be taking these posts down in a day or two, as soon as I know Jeffrey has noted them, since I don't want to be giving anyone ideas.

You are only as good as your library.

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singleshot posted this 02 June 2024

Bill- I may be wrong, but I think the reason you can see those details is because you are logged in as member of the forum. Non-members cannot see members info, and even members can't unless they are logged on.

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Wilderness posted this 02 June 2024

I tested that by ensuring that I was not logged in, and that I did not have the site loaded. To test, I went in via a Google search.

I wish and hope you are right.

The only foolproof way to check will be to find someone with no connection to the site, with a computer with no connection, find a CBA Forum reference via Google, then try to open the member details.

You are only as good as your library.

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Aaron posted this 02 June 2024

What Wilderness is saying, happens. He is correct.

With rifle in hand, I confidently go forth into the darkness.

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Aaron posted this 02 June 2024

If a random internet user searches for xyz, and a post on the cba forum is in the results of the search, and the user goes to that result, the post is displayed to the user. If the user then clicks on the name of the poster on the cba post, all of the posters data shows up to the searcher. Whatever data the cba member has populated in their profile on the cba, is presented to the internet searcher.

With rifle in hand, I confidently go forth into the darkness.

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Aaron posted this 02 June 2024

Discovering this myself several months ago, I edited my user profile to delete all but my name. I removed my location, age, birthdate, and all other personal data from my profile.

With rifle in hand, I confidently go forth into the darkness.

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Aaron posted this 02 June 2024

I have no social media accounts except this one. Still happens as Wilderness points out.

With rifle in hand, I confidently go forth into the darkness.

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Wilderness posted this 02 June 2024

Thanks for your support Aaron.

I discovered thus feature early on and went for a minimalist profile, and have edited it down even further just now. Left click to see what's left.

You should edit Rick back out again once we've had long enough for it to sink in.


You are only as good as your library.

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RicinYakima posted this 02 June 2024

 As a retired public employee of the State of Washington, all that information is freely available from any public record search. Not much more than what you get from the phone book. Every document I ever created and every time slip I ever filled out is available from a "Public Records Search". 

Like having a cell phone, law enforcement can tell where it is within three feet, if you have cell coverage. 

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John Alexander posted this 02 June 2024

I agree with Jeffrey's original postI we shouldn't expose other posters information.  Having said that, Ric has a very good point. Is there really anything on our profiles that isn't easily knowable by a dozen different ways by interested folks honest or dishonest.  I am not against hiding this information but realistically --- that ship has sailed several years ago.  If it gives comfort to try to hide such common information - go for it.


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MarkinEllensburg posted this 02 June 2024

Whatever President John and Ric might believe every single internet security expert agrees that it is foolish to freely post such information.

@Aaron and @Wilderness the information in your profile is not required for forum membership. Every single member of the forum and?or CBA can edit what is available.

instructions for editing is very simple:

Go to upper right MY TOOLS> click > in drop down click EDIT "username" and clear the fields you wish to not be made public. DONE.

If you feel you must for any reason share an email address do not write it a [email protected], rather post it as "smarter-way at no-spamers dot net"

Same with telephone numbers 423-875-1234 should be "four 2 three 87 fiver uno dos 3 4" the idea is to make it so information mining bots simply read it as words rather than the type of information you are communicating.

Webcrawlers also known as bots scour the internet and all sites with more frequency than legitimate users every minute of every day. This is done for all sorts of purposes including crime. Phishing, malware infestations, identity theft, data mining for guessing the answers to security questions for online financial transactions and accounts.

However that said is Jeffery's OP was for members of the forum to not post another persons personal contact information without express permission to do so. This includes events and event hosts.

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Aaron posted this 02 June 2024

Hi! My name is T.C. Mitts. I own 25 guns. Here is my address. Please come and steal them.

Granted our information is available elsewhere BUT not in a shooting venue.

A member is asking the BoD to NOT display our detailed information to the general public. Can this be accomplished? He is not asking for a debate on your comfort level with your personal information. He is asking not to display his to any others but MEMBERS of the CBA.

With rifle in hand, I confidently go forth into the darkness.

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Aaron posted this 02 June 2024

Mark, we know how to edit, add, and delete the information. We would like to share our information with MEMBERS not with the general public who happen to stumble upon it. The question to the BoD and to the webmaster is: can this be done?



With rifle in hand, I confidently go forth into the darkness.

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MarkinEllensburg posted this 02 June 2024

Aaron, the membership database is not linked to the forum. So quick answer is no. Long answer is that feature is probably not even an option for our forum software. To accomplish what you are asking we would have to be a private, password protected forum. Next closest thing would be to make the user profiles only available to forum members, which may or may not be an option. My guess is that it is not an option. The forum software we use has IMNSHO a rather poor feature set and some things such as quote are poorly coded. I.e. the need to un-click quote,

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Jeffrey54776 posted this 02 June 2024

Mark is correct, our forum software is antiquated and very inexpensive. There has been talk of trying to change our provider for all of our web services, but as of right now I have not found an exact way to move all of our data. Security is only a minor reason for the thoughts of changing our web services. But as of right now it would be a total loss of all of our information we have on the web to date.

Jeffrey Sechrist CBA Webmaster

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Aaron posted this 03 June 2024

Thanks guys. As I suspected, it is a feature restriction of the system, not an oversight on the admin end. Hopefully when all the users join the CBA, we may have more funds available to use to upgrade the forum software to a more robust and feature rich package.

With rifle in hand, I confidently go forth into the darkness.

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