Do any of you have a rail gun and shoot cb's out of it? Thinking one of these might be a good way to some aspects of accuracy????????????????
Rail Gun
- Last Post 10 August 2022
- Topic Is Solved
you can get reasonably close to a rail gun by using a " full " blank barrel from our top suppliers ... add a square bottom bench stock and a 2 ounce trigger and stick them together very very carefully and you will be close enough.
i have one of these truck axles ... Douglas ... in .416 ... thought it would make a low-recoil 600 yard deer sniper for here in Iowa ... probably mounted in the back of a pickup ...
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To agree with Ken, the rail guns that show up at CBA matches don't dominate and more unrestricted class matches are won by the guns with stocks as described by Ken. Rail gun shooters still have all the same problems with bullet design and fit, bore condition, etc. Close enough nails it.
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I have a "bench gun" as described and a new set of those slick bags. I have to get used to those bags now.I thought that a good rail gun would eliminate the biggest variable: us.
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2 ounce triggers ... reminds me that when we were shooting our 1 inch barrel 22rf 13 pound rifles ... with 2 oz Jewel triggers my friend had to send his trigger in for re-hab .. while waiting i fixed him up with a 1960 type stock remmy 722 trigger set at 1.3 pounds ... he shot the same high scores as usual. spend the money on the barrel.
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My son shoots a rail gun in unrestricted pistol class with an xp-100 action. He won National Champion in Unrestricted Pistol with it last year at the Nationals. There are some accuracy benefits to a rail gun, but as previously stated it will vary by bullet, cartridge, barrel quality, etc.
All of the benefits to a rail gun revolve around its tracking, lack of movement and stability. You are able to find the true potential of your load and bullet, without the variable of a loose nut behind the rifle causing flyers (wind non-withstanding).
Daniel Hisle CBA President
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and what to my wondering eyes should appear but a pistol railgun on the home page
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That pistol on the homepage belongs to Jim Billings. And it's a fine shooting piece, even though it's a large caliber. If I could make the forum upload photos from my phone I would send a picture of my rail that I won at National's with as my dad stated above.
Jeffrey Sechrist CBA Webmaster
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Way to go Jeff. Do you find it easier to figure out the why's and wherefore's of developing a load?
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Load development was never really the major issue for me. Dad and I work together on that quite well. I have actually been working with other bullets and powder charges some over the past couple months just to see if it'll get better. So far, no dice.
However, making a rifle tapdance across a target while I'm trying to aim is a specialty of mine.
Jeffrey Sechrist CBA Webmaster
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I have a "bench gun" as described and a new set of those slick bags. I have to get used to those bags now.I thought that a good rail gun would eliminate the biggest variable: us.
Ross I would encourage you to go for it. What everyone said about a 3" bench stock and a 2oz trigger being max nix difference between that and a rail is true. Not many would volunteer to build a rail gun because there are numerous variables that can help you reach cast accuracy before they think a rail gun is necessary. That's why 99.9% of the shooters would choose a BR stock and a light trigger because its not worth the added investment. But since you have the rig built and ready to go I think it would be a lot of fun.
I give full homage to comments about rails not being popular. Both designs share the same requirements of bullet to bore fit, load development, quality barrels(s), etc.. However the velocities are mostly hovering in the 2,100fps range. There's at least one person on the forum that has done a lot of work with high velocity cast accuracy. I'm at least two years away from getting out of the 1750fps neighborhood but I believe HV may improve accuracy. These guys aren't shooting north of 2700fps without a reason. Maybe high velocity and cast accuracy might be a good topic for another thread.
Before everyone jumps on me, I want to be the first to say that for 99% of cast accuracy shooters a benchrest stock and a light trigger combined with match grade bullet to bore fit, handloading technique and bench practices is capable of achieving excellent accuracy.
But if I had a rail gun in hand I'd be using it and chase down the right bullet to bore fit, the right lubricant and some slower powders. I just don't envy you lugging it around. I'm old.
Attached are some numbers from last years Nationals in the unrestricted class. Look at the spread between 1st and third place in group size, the barrels, the stocks and the velocities. Sorry for venting. I envy Ross's appetite and courage. Thanks, Bill.
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I am about to run a 30 br in my rail,it’s an oldie was used as a 6mm PPC, I just add extra weight to the top section as req.I have shot my 40/65 roller in it ,full chat BP loads,worked a treat great for load testing.The BR is on a 600 REM action. 12/1 twist,chambered to suit the 311299 pill.Will report on my results.
Cheer Mal in au.
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Well the results are in, using the Lyman 311299 Lino ,alox lube thinned with gum turps, .309 GC. Varget,H322, (2208- 2219 AR) 45 shots @ 100 yds went above. 1.1778.” Best group was .842, 9 shots. 28 gns Varget,Weather 18 cel. No wind. Action REM, 600 MH. 4 grouve SS barrel maker unknown at this stage!! No leading perfect 4 star lube at muzzle.Rail only used to confirm loads and outfit, will go into a stock asap.Cant post pics from my iPad to the forum,have tried before no joy!!I sent some via email to Jeff in NZ,perhaps he may be kind enough to post them,BTW he thought my rail was more like a truck chassis than a rifle!!
Cheers For now Mal in au.
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