Hello: I picked up a lyman 429303 mold and poured some pure linotype bullets. I would like to shoot these on the warm side velocity wise. Do any members know were I should crimp these? Taper or role? On the top band or in the groove. Has anyone any experience with this type of bullet? They casted nice for me, no problems on that end. As always thanks in advance for any help.
Question on mold
- Last Post 15 September 2022
- Topic Is Solved
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My guess would be you'd want to crimp just over the shoulder. What an interesting shaped bullet for a .44!
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^^^^^ What he said ^^^^^^
With rifle in hand, I confidently go forth into the darkness.
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I have cast and shot the Hi-Vel-Pen bullets in both 38 and 44. I roll crimped them over the shoulder to take up as much space inside the case as I could. Because of their light weight, I never had good results with powder slower than 2400. FWIW
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I used to have this design in a 4 cavity Lyman and a 2C Lyman that had the gas check machined out. Neither shot particularly well with Green Dot, 2400, Unique or WC 820. I sold both moulds as I got tired beating the boolits out of the moulds. The deep grease grooves are responsible for this in my opinion. Since it didn't shoot as well as many of the myriad of designs I owned, they went "down the road "!
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