Portable casting set-up

  • Last Post 04 November 2019
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max503 posted this 03 November 2019

Does anyone take their casting with them when they travel?  I went for a weeks' vacation recently and knew I'd have some free time, so I packed up my stuff in a kitty litter bucket and took it along.  I spent an afternoon under the tarp and made up a bunch of 9mm bullets.  Been thinking about trying this and it turned out quite well.  Wonder what my in-laws would say if I brought it along to Thanksgiving?  It would sure beat watching football on TV.

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rhbrink posted this 04 November 2019

Way back when I was a working stiff I traveled a lot and took a electric pot and molds and cast many a round ball for my muzzleloaders in a motel room not much ventilation but didn't worry much about that sort of thing at the time as I had plenty of Budweiser to wash out the fumes!

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Dale53 posted this 04 November 2019

My in-laws lived on a farm 165 miles from home. When we visited them (generally a week or so at a time), I often took my casting gear (bottom draw electric pot). I had a decent place to cast in the basement and would often cast several pots full over the time of the visit.



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delmarskid posted this 03 November 2019

Fresh from the oven.

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delmarskid posted this 03 November 2019

Where I'll be deer hunting I might have time to do that in the woods on my stand.

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RicinYakima posted this 04 November 2019

I am in my 5th-wheel about three months of the year. While I take a mould for every firearm I take, I have not cast much. Usually it is linotype (low temperature) over a charcoal fire and make 25 or so. FWIW

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max503 posted this 04 November 2019

The experiment was a success for me.  I camp on my vacations and there's always down time.  Everything fit nicely in a kitty litter bucket.  I'll be doing this again for sure.

I covered my cooler with newspaper and used it for a table.  That way it wouldn't get contaminated with that evil lead dust.

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