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Ross Smith posted this 5 weeks ago

Ok, I'm showing my ignorance after taking up shooting in 1970. I understand pitting from blackpowder or rust, but what causes pitting in a modern stainless steel barrel. It's a Hart barrel.

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RicinYakima posted this 5 weeks ago

Leading cause is chemicals used to clean the bore. Just because it is stain "LESS" doesn't mean it is corrosion proof. 

It comes back to the composition of the metal and the components of the bore cleaner. 

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Carl Pegg posted this 5 weeks ago

A friend of mine stuck his Ruger Super Redhawk in a case after deer season one year and didn't look at it again for several months. Much to his dismay it was covered with "freckles" when he took it out of the case. Rick is right on. Stainless is only corrosion resistant and the 400 series that most firearms are made from is on the lower end of the corrosion resistance spectrum compared to the 300 series that the silverware in your drawer is made from.

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Aaron posted this 4 weeks ago

Also shooting older corrosive primed ammo without a proper cleaning afterward.

With rifle in hand, I confidently go forth into the darkness.

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Ed Harris posted this 4 weeks ago

Galvanic corrosion occurring under metal fouling caused by the close proximity of two dissimilar metals. Not cleaning after chlorate primers, black powder or Pyrodex. Residue from military tracer mix too.

73 de KE4SKY In Home Mix We Trust From the Home of Ed's Red in "Almost Heaven" West Virginia

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RicinYakima posted this 4 weeks ago

When my son graduated from jump school at Ft Benning in 1990, I gave him a high quality stainless knife with aluminum handle, Gerber Mark 1. When he was discharged from active duty in 1994, a lot of his stuff was put in a nylon duffle bag and stored. Having been at Ft Bragg most of the time everything was wet. We opened the bag about 2016 and there was a handle tied to the sheaf, but the blade had turned to white powder. 

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  • Ross Smith