• Last Post 30 January 2019
joeb33050 posted this 27 January 2019

What is the thread size for a M10 barrel?

Is the barrel/frame threaded right hand tighten?

I'm preparing to remove the barrel.


joe b.

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Ed Harris posted this 29 January 2019

That's why cavalry wore leather gauntlets.

73 de KE4SKY In Home Mix We Trust From the Home of Ed's Red in "Almost Heaven" West Virginia

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delmarskid posted this 30 January 2019

Joe the Taurus 45/.410 revolving carbine has a shield at the cylinder gap that works well enough. Double action on clay birds is a hoot.

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joeb33050 posted this 30 January 2019

So Taurus stole my idea? Intellectual property is not safe any more! I am dismayed.

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RicinYakima posted this 27 January 2019

The NRA book shows two S&W sizes: first is major diameter of .541 and minor diameter of .500 with 36 tpi, second is .542 major and .507 miner with 36 tpi.

Yes they are right hand threads. Don't for get to remove the cross pin first.

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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 29 January 2019

... any thoughts about screwing an extension onto the existing barrel ?? ... hey, they put mufflers on these things ...   why not another barrel ... not too difficult to time the grooves .... not any harder on the bullet than gain twist ...  

chuck the action in a 4 jaw/mandrel  and support  barrel in steady rest ....


or heck, make the thing work like my old dan wesson m15 357  .... a barrel tube in the existing front end stub, only this would be a 22 inch long tube .


just thinking ahead, is there a safety problem with your forearm on a front grip ??  archers leather wrist guard ?? 






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M3 Mitch posted this 29 January 2019

... any thoughts about screwing an extension onto the existing barrel ?? ... hey, they put mufflers on these things ...   why not another barrel ... not too difficult to time the grooves .... not any harder on the bullet than gain twist ...  

chuck the action in a 4 jaw/mandrel  and support  barrel in steady rest ....


or heck, make the thing work like my old dan wesson m15 357  .... a barrel tube in the existing front end stub, only this would be a 22 inch long tube .


just thinking ahead, is there a safety problem with your forearm on a front grip ??  archers leather wrist guard ?? 


 I think Ken has hit on why revolving rifles have never been much of a 'hit' - the cylinder gap ends up at an awkward place, where the powder gases can get at your off arm, and for my taste it's a bit close to my mug as well. 




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joeb33050 posted this 30 January 2019

... any thoughts about screwing an extension onto the existing barrel ?? ... hey, they put mufflers on these things ...   why not another barrel ... not too difficult to time the grooves .... not any harder on the bullet than gain twist ...  

I was visiting Saco Defense, the Saco man was explaining how difficult it was to line up the stellite insert lands with the bore lands to the Gov't spec. M2 barrels as I remember. Freeze the insert, heat the barrel, insert the insert. We came to agree that no matter what, going through the barrel would probably "fix" any barrel misalignment.



chuck the action in a 4 jaw/mandrel  and support  barrel in steady rest ....


or heck, make the thing work like my old dan wesson m15 357  .... a barrel tube in the existing front end stub, only this would be a 22 inch long tube .


That's my plan, barrel locked on with a jam nut, like Savage.



just thinking ahead, is there a safety problem with your forearm on a front grip ??  archers leather wrist guard ?? 


 I figure a shield at the barrel/cylinder gap. Small, ornate, maybe engraved.




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