My martini wears an after market stock. The rollover check piece was too high and thick, so much so that aiming was difficult and pain full. I'm almost done removing wood and getting close to refinishing. I can do that with the buttstock on the rifle but the rifle is in the white and I'd like to get it blued maybe. That means the stuck on buttstock needs to be removed. I can't get that screw to budge. Any ides? Also does anyone make a peep sight for the martini cadet?
one more martini question
- Last Post 25 May 2024
- Topic Is Solved
Ross - the buttstock probably just needs more muscle.
Best peep sight for the Martini is an (old) Parker-Hale, as fitted to the 12/15 target rifle. The commercial Martinis had a 1/4" hole drilled in the back of the action for a cleaning rod, and the PH sights had a matching hole. Sight mounts behind the action, not on it. This is an absolute top quality sight.
Suggest you examine or find a picture of the BSA 12/15 Martini .22 target rifle.
Insomniac, agnostic, dyslectic - awake all night wondering if there is a Dog.
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Stuck screw old Gunsmith "trick"
Go to your local pharmacy and get (have them order you) a bottle of Wintergreen Oil. Not a prescription, but is kept behind the counter.
Put 1-2 drops of the oil on the stuck screw for 5-7 days. Then try to take it out. If this doesn't work, my experience and what I was told by GS that shared - screw will have to be drilled out/tapped.
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Put some pressure on the screw to turn it out and give the tool, wrench or screwdriver, a smack with a hammer. Sometimes works
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I’d use an impact wrench and a candy mallet if there’s enough meat left on the head? Option two would be to fill the head large enough to fit a screw extractor. good luck. Bill C
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After removing the firing mechanism you can then put thread dope on the inside of the action.
Or blue the action with Oxflue blue from Brownell’s with stock on.
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