Coyotes are eating up our poultry. I want to shoot them and it is dark by the time I get home from work. Do any of you fine people recommend an affordable night Scope?
Night Scope
- Last Post 14 November 2018
My sister raises field trial Springer Spaniels and Coyotes drive her and her dogs crazy. Personally I had near zero kills with a night scope because they come in fast to audio/ visual decoys. I am much better up to 100 yards with a low powered scope on my Win 1200 pump loaded with "O" buck and a rifled choke tube that holds all buckshot under a 20" group at 100 yards. I use a narrow beam tactical light on the barrel adjusted to the buckshot group center at 100 yards. My load is 9 balls, 3 x3 in a shotcup, AA hulls and wads with a standard Lee load. Every shot massacres a coyote. My sister has even learned the method very well!!!! She always calls me when she nails one. She picks them up with her fireplace log tongs and drops them in the garbage while she calls them nasty names.
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I spent many years guarding a friend's lambing operation during lambing season, Jan-Feb-Mar. Cougars and coyotes are a constant problem out here in the PNW. However, it was not black night, but some man made light and reflection off of snow. The best was probably a cheap 44 mm objective lens 3X9 turn down to 3X. Cheap because they have thick crosshairs. Lights were on 24/7 so they were not afraid of the light at all. The biggest thing was quiet, as the sheep go nuts over noise. Heavy bullet in 32-20 or 357, subsonic was the best. FWIW, Ric
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i had a friend that called up critters from the back of his pickup on old roads at night. he used a red spotlight which he said the critters ignored but he allowed him to see just fine.
might look into that. i can't vouch for that .
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ATN X-Sight II 3-14x Optics planet, get a 10 % coupon. Transferrable to multiple platforms, will hold zero across all of mounted correctly. The IR spotlight will get you handled w/o added expense so don’t be fooled by reviews indicating otherwise. Plus you can email me video of whacking yotes. You will be able to use it daylight as well, it’s a Day night digital and is on par with any gen 3 Nv except it needs a light source (and has one). It’s got excellent sophisticated software that will do quality ranging, compensation and barrel tilt correction. Anyone who owns one is happy with it. It eats batteries (lithium’s) so buy or use your existing usb Power brick and a usb cable. Ian cable on amazon for about 5.00 delivered. Unfortunately you have to feed the IR with CR123 but they go many many hours on a pair making it very affordable.
My suggestion. Not dirt cheap but affordable in the works of NV. Make sure you email me the first night kill!!
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Try S[portsmans Guide .com. they have a number of night vision rifle scopes, viewers binoculars, IRprojectors and such. Plus they have a no fault guarantee.
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I am interested with the choke tube you are using,is this freely available.
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Mike, the rifled choke tube I use with buck-shot for Coyotes on my Win. 1200 pump is the Carlsons:
I patterned the load with IC, FC and the Rifled Carlsons. The Carlsons won, the IC was second and the FC was worst.
I use AA hulls, W209 primer, 17.4 gr Titegroup and WAA12L wads and my own cast "0" Buck from a 20 cavity Sharpshooter USA Mold. 9 pellets( pellets, 3 X 3 ), 2.5cc PRPSB Buffer and star crimp. Velocity 1225 fps.
Do check your state regulations, Buckshot cannot be carried afield during Deer season in my state of NY.
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