Need a SAECO H&I Die

  • Last Post 15 October 2021
askari posted this 14 October 2021

Need a SAECO Lubrisizer sizer (H&I) die for sizing to .287 diameter.  (I have at least one smaller diameter die that could be sacrificed to re-boring.)

Regrettably, this is not a size available at Buffalo Arms.  I don't think SAECO ever made their dies in this diameter.

Is there someone that can re-bore a SAECO sizer die?  (Two leads on the other cast bullet site did not pan out.)

Thanks, fellow lead slingers!


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Bud Hyett posted this 15 October 2021

There's always the split dowel and sandpaper routine, Go slowly and use fine grit sandpaper to have a super smooth finish. Be sure to work the dowel evenly up and down the die to assure the sizing is even, check the size often. If there is only a few thousandths, you can get there in an evening. I have a SAECO .285 die for my 7mm-08 and that is .002 under. 


Farm boy from Illinois, living in the magical Pacific Northwest

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Bud Hyett posted this 15 October 2021

Contact this person as he made flanged dies for my Star sizer that were better finish than the original Star dies. These are push-through dies sized .310 and .3115. 

[email protected]

Farm boy from Illinois, living in the magical Pacific Northwest

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askari posted this 15 October 2021

Many thanks for the advice from all and the offer of help from one member.  Looks like the 7mm project is moving along!


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