need guidance on locating a MP 359-147 mold. e-mailed twice with no response (they sure are not like american mold makers) any help??
MP 359-147
- Last Post 05 May 2023
Wm Cook
posted this
03 May 2023
Can you not just order one? Most including me speak highly of their turn around. Bill C.
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posted this
04 May 2023
since they have not returned 2 messages; might be hard to order
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Wm Cook
posted this
05 May 2023
Everything is ordered on line. They ship by DHL and it ships fast & the tracking info is top notch as is their molds. But if you want a mold made in the US go for it. NOE makes a 358-155 with a bevel base that shoots great for me. Good luck, Bill.
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