Some time back I posted about working up cast loads in the .257 Roberts Ackley Improved I bought.
At the time the results were very good but I felt I had topped out on the ability of the WW alloy so finally got round to casting in linotype to try. I have a good stock of lino and have been 'saving' it but at the age of 55 I am thinking 'saving it for what?' so threw caution to the wind.
50m/55y preliminary testing this weekend produced good results. Astounding actually.
113gr GC powder coated over 24gr H4895 for 1900fps.
86gr PB version powder coated over 11gr SR7625 for 1770fps. 6 shots of which the 2 to the right were my poor hold
Will push out to 100m/110y when time permits.
Cheers from New Zealand