While working with the DA Army 45's, I cobbled together some on the cheap tools to load and unload full and half
moon clips to save my hands. A pair of bargain bin pliers with a slot filed to take the clip thickness across one jaw and a groove ground lengthways in the other jaw allows snapping the round into either of the clips from the inside - full - or outside - half moon. Use the 3/8 threaded connector inside the full moon clip of fired cases with the flat bar to pry the cases out - the 7/16 tension pin just slips inside of a case to add leverage. For the half moon clips use the rounded plier jaw against the case rim with the "u" bracket over the case and twist slightly after pushing the case to release it. The little bracket I think came with some furniture?
Tried to research some manuals for instructions on loading/unloading clips with no success, since my Colt will not utilize loose rounds - apparently early issues were chambered to place the case rim even with the cylinder face.
Hope this helps someone, if not just put in useless trivia file.