I have a couple of 25 ACP guns, that I acquired over the years. I would like to reload for these guns. With ammo as expensive and hard to get as it is, reloading would be more practical. Also I have viewed videos of penetration tests in ballistic jell, with various ammo, and I think I could do better with a FP cast bullet. The hollow points, just don't get the penetration, so a hard cast FP bullet might be best. Arsenal molds has a mold for a 53 gr bullet in the 25 ACP, which should suit my purpose. Factory ammo is somewhat anemic, and I think I can do much better, while still staying within sensible pressures. I don't plan on using any of these guns for anything more than range use, but I want them ready anyway.
I know loading for the 25 is more or less of a stunt. Small fingers are a big asset. I am retired and have the time, and don't mind spending the money to get set up. With judicious shopping on the internet, the cost shouldn't be that bad, considering. Reloading can also be a fun and challenging hobby, right?
Has any one of our members attempted doing this, and can give me any insight, personal loading data, and tips for this cartridge?