Lee Lead Hardness Test Kit Microscope Stand - Very Helpful Tool

  • Last Post 16 July 2021
Johnshandloads posted this 06 July 2020

Last week I got this stand designed to hold the Lee lead hardness test microscope. The thing is really helpful for holding the scope still and adjusting until the picture is clear and focused. It makes reading the dimple very easy. If you have the Lee hardness test kit you probably have some way you try to keep it still or in focus, but it is very difficult for me to get it to work correctly without this stand.I also got the optional flashlight and stand that are worth the extra money to me, because it shines perfectly on the dimple and makes it easy to see. I am not selling these and don't get anything from the manufacture or sale, I just think this is an excellent product that a lot of people on this forum will get years of good use from. They are 3D printed in the USA. 


The picture is the best I can do with my meager phone but gives you a good idea what the set up looks like. I really like mine and recommend it if you use the Lee hardness test kit on your alloy or bullets.

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Squid Boy posted this 06 July 2020

That's a lot more sophisticated then this crud one. I nearly put my eye out trying to use that LEE tester and finally I made this several years ago out of who knows what clamps and such I had laying around. The microscope is a snug fit in the arm and is easy to slide but stays put. The bullet stand is a swivel and easily adjusted. Works great and it pays to be a pack rat sometimes. Thanks Squid Boy

Home Made Lee Hardness Tester Stand

"Squid Pro Quo"

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Johnshandloads posted this 06 July 2020

Squid boy, I like your creation. That is very cool. 

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Squid Boy posted this 07 July 2020

John, thanks for the kind words. I was having the same troubles as you and had to do something. The LEE system works well otherwise. 3D printing is amazing. Squid

"Squid Pro Quo"

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sergeant69 posted this 09 July 2020

i have a saeco lead hardness tester and don't have those problems. different design i guess.

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Wheel Weight posted this 12 July 2021

How do you use the tool to improve accuracy ?

I'm a lazy guy who uses wheel weights and lead for blaster loads and mixes from Roto Metals for important stuff. Do I need one ?


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JeffinNZ posted this 12 July 2021

How do you use the tool to improve accuracy ?

I'm a lazy guy who uses wheel weights and lead for blaster loads and mixes from Roto Metals for important stuff. Do I need one ?


The short answer is no you don't need one.  Like many items we have available for casting a hardness tester is not necessary but nice to have and can be handy but plenty of people shoot very little groups without.  It's a bit like a chronograph.  Handy but not essential.  Hardness is one thing but composition is another.  Two alloys can be the same hardness but not the same composition and with very different casting qualitites etc.  

Cheers from New Zealand

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  • delmarskid
Wineman posted this 14 July 2021

I bought a set of Staedlter drafting pencils. There are charts on the internet that show BHN vs graphite hardness. Great system for quick and dirty measurements. You need a sharp edge on the tip but when it goes from making a mark, to making a scratch you know.


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Larry Gibson posted this 14 July 2021

10 -12 years ago, after jury rigging many different stands for the lee tester I saw where someone had used a kids microscope to hold the tester.  I found kids microscope and with a little modification I made it very usable.  It is fast to use and very repeatable.  It is much better than any of the suggested other methods though they do work, just not as easy, quick or consistent.



Concealment is not cover.........

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  • Liked by
  • LarryW
LarryW posted this 16 July 2021

I did the same thing. Kids scope for $1.00 @ thrift store, some gutting & simple mods, works great!!!!

A day late & a dollar short, story of my life ???

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