I was running low on pistol bullets so I spent some quality time with the lead pot.
Lyman 452460
RCBS 429 240 SIL
Lyman 429421
Lyman 358156
All coated with Eastwood Mirror Red
I was running low on pistol bullets so I spent some quality time with the lead pot.
Lyman 452460
RCBS 429 240 SIL
Lyman 429421
Lyman 358156
All coated with Eastwood Mirror Red
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Keep'em away from the kids, they look just like candy!
David Reiss - NRA Life Member & PSC Range Member Retired Police Firearms Instructor/Armorer
-Services: Wars Fought, Uprisings Quelled, Bars Emptied, Revolutions Started, Tigers Tamed, Assassinations Plotted, Women Seduced, Governments Run, Gun Appraisals, Lost Treasure Found.
- Also deal in: Land, Banjos, Nails, Firearms, Manure, Fly Swatters, Used Cars, Whisky, Racing Forms, Rare Antiquities, Lead, Used Keyboard Keys, Good Dogs, Pith Helmets & Zulu Headdresses. .
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Nice work!
I use the same powder, only good things to say about «mirror red».
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Those boolits look ALMOST too pretty to shoot! What was your procedure to achieve such great looking boolits?
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My procedure is:
Shake in a #5 plastic container with the powder for 1 minute.
Dump the bullets and powder out on a piece of 1/4" hardware cloth on top of a cake pan.
Pick the bullets up with tweezers and stand them up on a piece of Teflon oven liner in the toaster oven pan.
Bake 20 min. at 400 deg F.
Cool and size.
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Sounds like what I do except that I pour the coated boolits into a vegetable type strainer and shake the excess powder off the boolits and then pour them from the strainer onto the hardware cloth and then into the oven for at least 30 minutes at 425.
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How do you size them?
I bought the powder and waiting for my wife to get a new toaster oven so I can take over the old one but find that Lee die sizes don't help me. Have RCBS lubrisizers which I will try as I know of no other options.
Can't wait to try it after seeing your work. Beautiful!
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I bought the powder and waiting for my wife to get a new toaster oven so I can take over the old one but find that Lee die sizes don't help me.
What problems are you having with the Lee bullet size die? Do you need to lap a die to a larger diameter?
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I use home made push thru sizers. In a previous life, I had access to a lathe at work. I got a piece of 7/8-14 threaded rod and made a bunch of "blanks" about 2" long and bored 1/8" down the center. I can open these up to any size I need with a drill press, drilling just under and polishing to size.
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I do not lube before I size. The benefits I see are a very clean gun when I am done shooting, no lead in the barrel, nice clean (not sticky) bullets at the reloading bench, and they look nice. Down side is they smell funny when you shoot them. I started powder coating because my local club requires jacketed, plated, or powder coated bullets on our indoor range. I now coat all my handgun bullets no matter where I am going to shoot them.
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I do not lube before sizing either. Yesterday I sized a couple hundred Lee 44 200 RNFPs from .430 down to .428-429, powder coated them with Smokes John Deere Green and they ended up being .429-.430. Next step will be to load them up for my Smith revolvers.
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