some wiseguy once queried:: which is faster ... darkness or light ??
answer:: darkness, of course, because it is already there ...
and so it is with the taper fit between the bullet/throat :: we do want the bullet already there when we bust the cap ... right ??
i used to think :: wow, just like a morse taper tool shank !! complete guidance, no chance to deform !! ..
but then i noticed the rifling is only 0.004 deep per side ... oh ... well, one degree is 0.017 per inch so at 1 degree per side taper that 0.004 can only support 1/4 inch length of the bullet on the tapered section, with light seating pressure. and 1.5 degrees per side ( common in factory chambers ) only supports 0.2 length ... and that is the maximum, if the bullet and throat are both tapered the same.
so, since the back of the bullet is in the case and totally unsupported and just hanging in mid air ... when ignition happens .... don't we want to support as much up front as we can ??
1/4 degree taper per side would support a whole inch of that same tapered bullet ... and be so gentle at the big bang .... 1/2 degree is a good compromise ... support half an inch ...
the above wonderful shallow angle throat scenario is of course if you have a custom chamber throat .... and remember that throater reamer can be used to cut your matching squisher die ... or vica-versa .. heh ...
.... and now to your original question ... my experience is that bump/squisher dies do improve my lyman/lee/rcbs castings shot in my factory rifles ... in simple dies i think it is about half better bases, and half getting a good snug groove diameter throat fit ... in my rifles/molds i haven't had a nose problem that needed bumping .. just lucky ... but almost every casting groove diameter and for darn sure the bases got better in the squish die.
so my vote is :: yes, go for it, if even without the matching tapers. that taper is tricky, especially for 22 to 6.5 ... it can be bored from the compound, or use a throater reamer ... and for a factory 1.5 or more angle per side, you will get about as good a match by just giving things a running start when you chamber the bullet .. ( g ) ...
if you make your own dies, that system used by OU812 with the lee expander is kinda neat ... and besides you can then make your own better expander buttons for your own use ... and i have some 1/2 degree throaters for 22 and 243 if that would help.
above all let us hear what you wound up doing ... hey, spring is almost here ...