I am going to shoot two rifles in the Groundhog match this year. One is a Henry single shot shown in another thread in the forum. The second is a Ruger American 300 Blackout that I acquired a few years ago. This rifle has a tight throat and refuses to accept any bullet with a nose larger than .300 or so. After rumaging through my odd lots of left over bullets I found two I can chamber. These are both from Accurate molds. They are the 31-200G and the 31-200NR.
Last year I ran out of prep time and I just loaded Bullseye in my Groundhog loads and of course it worked fine. This year I want to try something new so I am going to shoot Trail Boss in both rifles. This tiny case accepts 5 gr as the maximum load w/o being compressed. My starting load will be 4 gr. That is all I know right now.
Here is a picture.
Many of the Groundhog match entrants are shooting very interesting rifles. I hope some of you will do a post with pictures.