I would like to share what a lucky man I am! SIL Chris and daughter Lori bought me a Marlin 1895CB for the up coming fathers day. This is the 26" octagon barreled nine shot tube fed rifle with ballard grooves in 45-70. It's a nicely fitted gun. My only other large bore rifle is a Handi in 444 Marlin. so I'll be needing all the accouterments. In the hope that I don't purchase a mould with too long of a nose for the lever gun I'd like suggestions on which moulds work best for those here shooting 45-70 levers. I'm fond of NOE mouldfs and have a $1,000 club discount coming so NOE would be a plus. What do you recommend? Thanks Gp
Gift for Father's day
- Last Post 07 June 2017
The Ranchdog 460-350-fngc with tumble lube grooves is my first recommendation for the 45-70 lever. The very large meplat flat nose is humane and these bullets size fine for any 45-70. I cast them in Lyman #2 for my .458 WM and push them at a 45-70 load level of 1700 fps for Bear and Deer. The RD bullet is designed for 45-70 lever rifles and by far the best. Mine fit well and consistently group under 1" @ 50 yards. I use Sage's aluminum gas checks and size/check @ .461" with a honed Lee lube and size kit for a slide in fit to the throat of my rifle.
I'll also recommend Starline brass as the best choice for 45-70.
This Hodgdon data for a 350 gr jacketed bullet is fine but velocity will be slightly higher with cast and 1700 fps is fine for Deer/Bear to 200 yards. H4198 is the most efficient powder for the RD350 in 45-70.
Hodgdon data for 45-70 lever rifle , verify at hodgdon.
Case: Winchester Twist: 1:20" Primer: CCI 200, Large Rifle Barrel Length: 24" Trim Length: 2.100"
Bullet Weight350 GR. HDY JRN
Starting Loads Maximum Loads
Manufacturer Powder Bullet Diam.
Vel. (ft/s)
Vel. (ft/s)
Hodgdon H4198 .458" 2.540" 48.5 2,036 32,200 CUP 54.0 2,191 39,300 CUP 38.5 gr H4198 should put you right at 1700 fps with the RD 350. I'd start there and stay there, everything else is bullet fit and shooting. This is not below recommendation levels with H4198 in 45-70 for trapdoors and the load will have no ignition problems and need no filler.
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I have several molds for the .45-70, but my two favorites for my Marlin are the RCBS 300-FN and the Lyman 457193. Both shoot well in my rifle, My choice is Lyman GCs and sized to .460". I can also group 1 moa with them at 50 yards, opening up to just 1 1/4" at 75 yards. Tumble lubed with liquid alox or traditionally lubed with RCBS green works best for me.
David Reiss - NRA Life Member & PSC Range Member Retired Police Firearms Instructor/Armorer
-Services: Wars Fought, Uprisings Quelled, Bars Emptied, Revolutions Started, Tigers Tamed, Assassinations Plotted, Women Seduced, Governments Run, Gun Appraisals, Lost Treasure Found.
- Also deal in: Land, Banjos, Nails, Firearms, Manure, Fly Swatters, Used Cars, Whisky, Racing Forms, Rare Antiquities, Lead, Used Keyboard Keys, Good Dogs, Pith Helmets & Zulu Headdresses. .
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I have both the 460405 and the 461535 for my 45-70 single shot needs. The 405 would be great in your lever gun.
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Thank you gentlemen for your replies. This will be an interesting diversion from my usual loading preferences. I tend to shoot the small, light and fast kind of rounds. And as I've aged I just don't enjoy heavy recoil. So, for the most part I'll likely be staying with the trapdoor sort of loads and just a few thumpers for the 45-70 experience. Also, this is just my second lever action rifle and only large bore lever. I'm looking forward to working with this new to me platform. Thanks again for your mould suggestions guys. Enjoy your day. I'm headed out bass fishing with an old friend this afternoon, should be fun. Gp
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hi gp... i am with you on too much recoil for plinking with the big bores ...
so after the groundhog shoot, i am working on a 50 yard plinking load for my too-light ruger 3 in 45-70 ... i have acquired a few hundred hornady round balls for muzzle loaders, also some * 210 grain !! * ... round point mystery ?? bullets to try ... then i was thinking about drilling out 300 gr casting to reduce weight ... ( aluminum bullets as a last resort ... heh ) ...
wanna exchange project info ?? ... i figure a .45 cal hole in a pop can just gotta be more fun if it doesn't bruise my shoulder and make my eyes water ..
anybody else is very welcome to join in ... i have a bunch of groundhog targets left over ... ( g ) ...
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Ken: I can't think of a man I'd rather exchange information with. I do have just enough experience with my 444 Marlin Handi to know I shouldn't start out with the 40,000 PSI loads even if that seems to be the internet consensus as a top end load in the Marlin 1895s. Your #3 will most likely take a larger charge than either of us old men need to kill a beverage can DRT. So far, this seems to be following the same logic as when I bought my 15" T\C Encore barrel in 454 Cassul. A big plenty for plinking. Well, it's great to have new toys so let's see what we can do with them. Enjoy your evening. Gp
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