Gas check rookie

  • Last Post 09 December 2021
  • Topic Is Solved
LarryW posted this 11 December 2020

Greetings, I am just starting to work with gas checks on my cast .357 bullets, actually, just thinking about starting First question is, do the Lyman, Gator & other checks labeled 35 for .357 bullets fit ALL, .357 GC cast bullets,are the GC shanks all the same size ? My molds seem to measure at.340 for the shank So, will any check I come across labeled 35 fit my shanks ??? I'm not really interested in the Pat Marlin kind of check maker BUT< I do have a 30 cal check maker given to me by a late friend, I think it is a Free Check??? Nothing written on the die.uses an Arbor press & it cuts & forms all at the same time. Anyone have any ideas as to who &/or what it might be, & info on how to get ahold of makers of these tools to try & get one for .357 ???

Thanks in advance, any & all info greatly appreciated... Larry  .

A day late & a dollar short, story of my life ???

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Michael S posted this 12 December 2020

   There is a guy on the re loaders network that makes the cutters you seek. The only time i have been on that site was to log on so I could send him a msg to ask him costs and specs. His video is featured on the sites main page.


  As fare as GC shank sizes go I have used Hornady 35cal GC for all my RCBS and Lyman 38cal dia casted bullets that have a shank. All 4 of them, so I am not a wealth of information on that part I am afraid.

GOD, United States of America, US Marine Corps, Family, Self

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LarryW posted this 13 December 2020

Well, Great news.. Found a guy on Facebook that makes a single pass Chex maker that is for use in most all reloading presses. $60.00 shipped, leed time about 4 weeks now. Called  Dave's mini machine shop .Watched the short videos, & chatted with him a good bit. Very nice & highly knowledgeable man. Needless to say, got one on order for 357 & 9mm (same tool) I'm so tickled, think ill go to bed?????

Take care & be safe..

A day late & a dollar short, story of my life ???

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max503 posted this 13 December 2020

I've got a couple guns that would benefit from GC bullets.  Only problem is, can you get a mold now?  I know Lee is all on back order.

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Little Debbie posted this 13 December 2020

Lots of molds on eBay (yes I’m ashamed to admit that I know about this) some good values still available. Anything in the .38/9mm, .44 and .45 sizes very high including Lee. Or check out NOE’s website for in stock molds. They show up at my place 2-3 days after ordering, great quality. RCBS has a lot of molds on their website too, again very fast shipping on in stock items. I’m sure there are other makers that have molds available. Lee and Lyman appear to be struggling to keep up with demand. If you still can have gun shows in your area there’s always the chance of finding a gem on someone’s table. So there are options and hope.

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LarryW posted this 13 December 2020

I've got a couple guns that would benefit from GC bullets.  Only problem is, can you get a mold now?  I know Lee is all on back order.


What guns & calibers are you talking about & what are you looking for ???

A day late & a dollar short, story of my life ???

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Buttersdad posted this 08 December 2021

I don't know what caliber your looking for, but Titan reloading has many Lee molds on sale.

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tlkeizer posted this 09 December 2021


Accurate Molds has lots to choose from, made to order.


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