• Last Post 26 February 2019
Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 09 February 2019


we have extended the shooting coyote target season another month ::   new turn in time is now   

 1 April, 2019 

hey, who would have ever guessed it would storm all winter in winter ??  


which also means there is still time to get in on this... i got targets !!   ... pm me if ...

thanks, ken

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Larry Gibson posted this 09 February 2019

Global warming.....oh, excuse me.....climate change.........

Concealment is not cover.........

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MarkinEllensburg posted this 10 February 2019

I've shot one target. Youngest son is sizing bullets right now so he can shoot the other. The extra month is nice.

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beltfed posted this 10 February 2019


I am sitting on three targets and between 26 below temps and now too much snow to get down to

the 200yds line, Just got more weather reports that this white sh.. will continue all Feg.

 have been , stewing indoors and looking at all my CBs waiting to be launched. No we can HOPE

that March will not be totally rainy or whatever.



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Brodie posted this 10 February 2019

Our usual Feb. warm period where it warms up into the 50's and 60's and all the trees bud out, and then all the buds and new growth are frozen solid by a late freeze seems to have left us up here in Flagstaff this year.  Thank You.


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Dukem posted this 11 February 2019

Thanks for the extended deadline, 10 more inches predicted for tonight and tomorrow AM.


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delmarskid posted this 12 February 2019

I signed up yesterday or this morning. I came home from work and found coyote tracks on the porch. The cats were staying really close to me.

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Brodie posted this 13 February 2019

My neighbor came out one afternoon about 3:00 PM and surprised a coyote carrying and white duck next to my side fence.  The coyote ran off leaving the duck behind.  The duck was delicious.  The only other predator killed game I had eaten was a pheasant that my dog took away from a red tailed hawk.  Nobody messed with my GERSTLAB German shepherd, Labrador retriever, St. Bernard, and got away with it.  The only way I could shoot some of the yotes that infest my neighborhood would be with a bow or a pellet gun.


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oscarflytyer posted this 15 February 2019

Would you pls pm me or reply with a link to the rules.  I have a new to me Contender in 7-30 Waters and a 30 Herrett bbl too.  And molds for both.  Would/should be a hoot.  Also a 45-70 Rem RB.  Thanx!

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Brodie posted this 15 February 2019


If you already have the targets the rules are really simple: 1. No shooting off of a bench, prone, kneeling, sitting , cross sticks, tripod, hood of truck etc are all ok.  2. Distance 200 yds.  3. Twenty shots on the target. 4. Cast bullets only of course.  Thems the rules.  Personally I have only once been able to get two shots off at a coyote once.  The rest if you didn't hit em with the first there were no others, and sometimes there was to first.



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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 15 February 2019

hah, if you think hitting a nervous coyote at 200 yards is problematic, you should try one at 30 yards in full afterburner ...  embarrassing ... ... hint:  a big lead ... no, more. lots more ...



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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 15 February 2019

not too late to get in, guys ... i still got targets ... pm me if ...  ken

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dualsport posted this 15 February 2019

I shot a coyote with a Glenfield Model 60 .22 lr at spit tin' distance. Back in about '85 out behind the CHP Academy. Hunting rabbits with my dog when the 'tote came outta no where and lunged at my little buddy. In a flash I fired from the hip and heard a yelp. Saw fur fly off it's back like I grazed it by the base of its tail. It lit out like its ass was on fire with "Keeper" in hot pursuit. _ Man I miss that dog, he was my best friend. If you went out there now with a gun you'd have company real quick.

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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 16 February 2019

i had a buddy that killed a coyote with one shot at 200 yards with a 22 long rifle.    however, also i emptied my win. 74 ( 14 shots )  into one at about 30 yards and could hear the " pwumps  " ... he ran another half mile ... i still feel bad about that one and never used another 22lr on a coyote .

personally i consider a 223 borderline ... heh ...  but of course a 25-06 doesn't come in a little black rifle ... yet ..??   i suppose my favorite was the 243 win.   fun to shoot and puts the yote to sleep before he hits the ground.

ken, waiting for spring .. or even bare ground ...


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Scearcy posted this 24 February 2019

To name a few , Longhunter, Dukem, delmarskid, Ken how are you guys doing in this storm. Longhunter you must be at the epicenter. I see they called out the National Guard  to rescue motorists on I90. I have had enough. -15 degrees tonight.


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Tom Acheson posted this 26 February 2019

Man, am I glad the due date was moved out a month to 1 April! The original date was this Friday, 1 March.

It contnues to snow here (central MN).....and piles up deeper and deeper. Who knows when a credible melt will start....hopefully before 1 April. The snow blower has a lot more hours on it this year than recent years.

I suppose there is some reason us northeners don't move south.....maybe because we hate heat and humidity, who knows.


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