Dip lubing??

  • Last Post 17 May 2022
2frogs posted this 16 May 2022

Can someone please explain this method of dip lubing. How does the lube stay in the grease grooves. And isn't this about the same as tumble lubing,or am I just not understanding the whole thing. I only cast a few bullets for my 38/357. Appreciate more info on this or is pan lubing a better way to go. Thanks

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Aaron posted this 16 May 2022

In a nutshell, you dip the bullet in melted lube. Below is a link to dip lubing paper cartridge bullets. If dipping other bullets, I use hemostats to hold the bullet whilst dipping. I place them on a piece of waxed paper to harden completely.


With rifle in hand, I confidently go forth into the darkness.

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Boschloper posted this 17 May 2022

I dip lube all my rifle bullets. I use an old kitchen pan with about an inch and a half of lube in it. I have a steel disk about 7”in diameter with a 1/4” rod handle coming up from the center. I stand the bullets up on the disk, melt the lube on a hot plate, and submerge the bullets in it. I then lift the disk and bullets out of the lube and set the disk in a cake pan to cool. Once cool, I size in a home made “Lee” type push thru sizer.  All the pots and pans are my dedicated tools, I would never think of using any of the wife’s. 

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Spindrift posted this 17 May 2022

My avatar photo shows dip- lubed Lee c309-200. Some home- made concoction of alox, beeswax and some volatile solvent (don’t remember the exact recipie, sorry). This lube was liquid at room temperature, but stiffened up as the solvent evaporated.

The technique works best with long- nosed bullets (you need something to grip). After dipping, you’ll have lube on the driving bands. When running the lubed bullet through a Lee- type sizer (after the lube has settled), this lube will be displaced into the grooves.


If your lubing requirements are met with tumble lubing, this is much faster, simpler and less messy. Particularily if you modify the Alox with some sort of liquid hard wax, that leaves the final product less sticky than unmodified alox.

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2frogs posted this 17 May 2022

I appreciate all your replies it makes more understanding now so I guess I'll probably just stick to my pan lubing most of these are just revolver bullets anyway so thanks again

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