Clean up old scope

  • Last Post 25 June 2017
  • Topic Is Solved
mike morrison posted this 18 May 2017

In the mid 70's as best I recall I purchased a Weaver T-10 with 5/8 minute dot. I have not used it in many years. I had a need to scope a rifle so I pulled it out of moth balls and mounted it. it is not foggy but dingy. looking into the front of the scope I can see that the glass needs cleaning but all the dingy stuff in inside the glass. I say all this to ask where and who is a trusted somebody to get to clean the scope up.

thanks Mike

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Ross Smith posted this 18 May 2017

Mike: Weaver is still in business, I would send it to them.     Ross

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mike morrison posted this 18 May 2017

Thanks Ross

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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 18 May 2017

mike ... be sure to call first ... it is my understanding that they do not maintain those older  T scopes .  please let us know what you find, i have a beloved T20 from 1984 ...


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R. Dupraz posted this 18 May 2017

Another that will be awaiting your reply with eager anticipation!

Sounds like a replay of the situation that I have with a vintage El Paso steel tube Weaver T-10. The objective lenses have separated and I get depressed every time that I think about it. One of the finest scopes that Weaver ever made. We used to call them dial-a dog. Prairie dog that is.

Some years ago, I searched the net to see if some one was repairing these and found one place, Parsons scope service. But the turn around time was 18 months. And the reviews were not that good. So it's still here in the box. I would spend some cash on it but not under those conditions.

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mike morrison posted this 18 May 2017

Ok this is what I learned. weaver does not work on these scopes. they referred me to Iron Sights in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I called Iron Sights 918-445-2001 talked to a very helpful Rachel. I was told the T series scopes are $105. to refurbish. They are a store front business and will accept scopes by walk in or mail. they do business world wide. 


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R. Dupraz posted this 18 May 2017

Thanks Mike.

A phone call is on the ajenda for tomorrow.

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hrafknel posted this 24 June 2017


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hrafknel posted this 24 June 2017

I have a very old Unertl 20X scope were the cross hairs have broken.They are in a brass tube which can be removed.  The cross hairs are held in place by VERY TINY screws.  Can any one direct me to some one who can add the cross hairs and 2 of the screws?

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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 25 June 2017

here is another possibility ... i have no experience with them but they have good reviews .


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SierraHunter posted this 25 June 2017

I've taken scopes apart and fixed them, although nothing that old. The last one was Falcon optics that the elevation knob quit working on, Just be careful.

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