I use IMR-4227 in my CBA Plain Base Bullet rifle category. Recently I’ve been going past a Cabela’s and stopping in to check on their supply of IMR-4227. Each time they had some so I bought some several times. I now have (6) pounds. And the interesting thing is that all of the containers are the same lot number, despite being bought in the span of August to December. They either bought a ton of it or I was the only looking at it. (It was $76/pound including tax.)
I’m thinking of putting all of it in an empty plastic jug that I have. The jug held Arnold Palmer, a 50/50 ice tea and lemonade mix. Not being knowledgable on plastic composition, I do not know if it is polyurethane, polyethylene, etc. It is opaque, almost clear.
My main interest is would it be a bad idea to put the powder into the jug if there is a risk the jug would react with the gun powder?