Bunny Shoot Spring 2019

  • Last Post 19 April 2019
Scearcy posted this 27 March 2019

Ken and i are trying a new target this spring. The CBA Bunny Gun postal match is no longer being held so that gave us an opportunity for more variety. Plus the bunny target is more difficult than the groundhog so it is probably more appropriate for 50 yards.

Distance - minimum of 50 yards

Bullet - plain base, no 22LR

Field positions, no bench rest, no attached bipod at 50 yards

Any rifle or handgun, ML included

Any sight (iron or a scope)

We will post again with more details but the process will be very similar to what we have been doing.

I outlined two common paper sizes on the target below. This is because we plan to transmit the target digitally to shooters outside of the lower 48 and printer capability could be important.

65 degrees here today. I am thinking about 50 yard loads.

Jim and Ken


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Scearcy posted this 27 March 2019

Here is the target. Yes that is my stomach at the bottom.undecided

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Fitzpatrick posted this 27 March 2019

do you allow paper patched bullets in these matches?

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Scearcy posted this 27 March 2019

Sure or powder coated. We don't need too many rules. This is just a fun afternoon at the range where the trash talking is digital.


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tlkeizer posted this 27 March 2019


I have a ML that needs to be used.  Like the song says,"Put me in coach.  I'm ready to play   the    game."  If the .45 isn't large enough I'll use the .58.  Actually, the .45 has gotten a lot of bunnies.  One of my fondest memories of hunting back at my grandfather's farm was the day I and my older brother worked the grove with our .45 ML's, and we cleaned out about a dozen rabbits.  The grove was L-shaped, and I started out in the corner of the L.  My brother started out at one end, and at his first shot rabbits started moving everywhere, it was all I could do to keep loading and shooting.  With a round ball and 35 grains of FFFG and no shot over 50 yards it was a great 30 minutes.


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Ross Smith posted this 27 March 2019

I'll probably use the .54 flinter with much reduced loads for 50 paces. Can't do any worse than the 200 yd dog shoot.

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jeff houck posted this 27 March 2019

 I'm in with multiple guns. Will we be using the NRA Ground Hog target? If so I'll buy a pack. Will we be able to submit completed targets via email picture? It's a bunch cheaper than sending big paper targets via snail mail.

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Scearcy posted this 27 March 2019

Hi Jeff

We are going to use the Bunny target shown above at 50 yards.

You may submit them electronically as we have this winter with the coyotes. Actually most people of self scoring and just including the score on the tech sheet.

I haven't figured out the cost yet but normally I buy them 100 at a time which cuts the postage from Midway in half. I can likely send you 3-4 in an envelope just about as cheaply as you can buy them unless you buy 100 at a time. Think about it. We will do a cost estimate in the next few days. Costs will be much less than they were for a coyote.

Are you one of our international members. Snail mail costs are prohibitive in that case.



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Bill2728 posted this 27 March 2019

Looks like fun!  Anxious to give it a "shot"!



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Fitzpatrick posted this 27 March 2019

i would like to participate in this, how does it work  and what are the rules?

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Scearcy posted this 27 March 2019

How does it work?

Participants send me the $ for the number of targets they want. We require the money upfront so there is a positive enrollment before targets are distributed. I will mail your target(s) and a tech sheet. 1 target and 1 tech sheet per gun - as many guns as you wish. The cost per target will be $2-$3 each I think - likely closer to $2. This includes mailing.

Shoot your targets (10 SHOTS EACH), score the target, record the guns and load info, plus the score, on the tech sheet. Mail the tech sheet to Ken. His address will be on the tech sheet. At the close of the match, we will distribute scores and tech data to everyone. Part of the fun is seeing what the other shooters are using for guns and loads.

KEN AND I WILL  COME UP WITH THE SCORING FOR THE BUNNY IN THE NEXT FEW DAYS but you can count on any hit having some value. Hits in the two circles on the target will be worth more of course. We usually try to have a max score of 100.

The other pertinent rules are in the first post above.


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Scearcy posted this 27 March 2019

I ordered targets today. we should be ready to mail out the first targets in a couple of weeks.

Targets(tech sheets really) due date will probably be either June 1 or June 15. Since Ken is collecting all of the results, he gets to pick the date.

In the past we have limited a scopes magnification for the 50 yard matches. It is my belief that having to shoot from a field position eliminates the advantage of using a scope with higher magnification. 


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Redleged posted this 28 March 2019

Hi Jim!

Will you want us to commit to the number of targets by PM, email, or here in the thread and then send you a check for the number of targets requested? I'm definitely in and will want at least four or five targets. Ed

Growing old is mandatory, growing up, however, is totally optional!

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longhunter posted this 28 March 2019


Another shoot to do.  Now which gun! guns.....

As always Jim I'm in. And thank you for all the fun!

Have Hip replacement on the 10th of April so should be healed up to shoot by June.

I'll be looking for the final data so I can send in my target fees.


Jon Welda CW5 USA Ret.

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45 2.1 posted this 28 March 2019

 It is my belief that having to shoot from a field position eliminates the advantage of using a scope with higher magnification. 



It's always nice to be able to see little limbs, grass stems and other stuff that's in the way.... besides being able to identify whether it's a squirrel or it's a branch, bark, nuts, tree trunk etc. Rested positions benefit from seeing what you want to hit well enough. BTDT for over fifty years using loaded down center fires for varmint and small game hunting. Most of the time too little magnification hurts.

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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 28 March 2019

 let us go for 1 june 19 for the return date ....   that should give us a fat 6 weeks to pot a bunny ....  looking forward to another fun shootout ...

and yes, you can just email me the data sheets if you like.   and i do enjoy the target and rifle pics some of you send along .....   be sure to also post the pics to the bunny gun thread here also !! ...

thanks for the grins !!   


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Scearcy posted this 28 March 2019


The cost for the targets this spring will be $2.00 for the first and $1.50 for each after that.

We will email the tech sheets to you unless you require that they be mailed with the targets.

Email me at [email protected] to let me know that you wish to sign up. If you only express interest in a post on the forum, I may miss you. I will email you my address. Send me your entry fee and I will mail the targets. This is the same process we have been using and it works well.


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Scearcy posted this 28 March 2019

I will post a picture of the target with the scoring zones tonight or tomorrow morning.


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4060may posted this 28 March 2019


What if i have a pack of targets left over from the previous bunny match?


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mashburn posted this 28 March 2019

This is all new to me but sounds like a lot of fun. Like I said, I' in the dark to what is going on. I was on the indoor small bore match team in the army. Our positions were: standing-prone- kneeling-setting. I think it included all four it may have just been three positions. That was too long ago to remember correctly. What I want to know is what are the field positions that will be used? I suppose you are required to have a witness to sign off on you targets.

I hope to participate.


David a. Cogburn

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Scearcy posted this 28 March 2019


Good questions for the folks who haven't shot with us before.

This is a fun shoot. I really misspoke calling it a match. As a fun shoot, you may score your own target and submit the score with the tech sheet. Look on this as an opportunity to pull out some old friends you have not shot in a while, load them up with plain base bullets and spend an afternoon shooting. The "match" is an excuse for about 40 of us to do the same thing at the same time using the same targets. There are no official winners just personal satisfaction.

We collect tech sheets and share the gun and load data because that is what the CBA does. You will see a variety of light load information.

By field positions, we mean hunting positions. You would not have a bench rest or an F class set up when you were rabbit hunting. They shouldn't be used here either. Cross sticks are fine but we have discouraged bipods attached to your gun in the 50 yard shoots. Trees, tree limbs, fence posts, sitting, prone, slings are all ok. Some shoot prone, many shoot sitting with cross sticks and a few hardy soles shoot off hand (and with iron sights). A wheel chair is fine if you need it. Canes make pretty good rests at 50 yards.

The key here is we do this for fun. You are really only competing with yourself.

As Ken mentioned above posting pictures of your rifle and your targets makes this more fun for everyone. We encourage it but it certainly is not required.

I hope this helps. I should have started this thread with this post. My bad.




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Scearcy posted this 28 March 2019

Chuck I certainly makes sense for you to use targets you already have. Email me directly. I already have your contact info from an earlier shoot I believe. Again my email is [email protected]


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beltfed posted this 28 March 2019

Would sitting or prone crossed stix be OK?


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beltfed posted this 28 March 2019



I should have read that last post of yours better


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Scearcy posted this 29 March 2019


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mashburn posted this 29 March 2019

Hello Searcy,

Thanks for the information. I am now enlightened. I was wondering if I could still get down into some of my former military positions. You can definitely count me in. I'm sure mine will be ugly but sounds like lots of good times. I'm working on some new members. They are like me they had never heard of the cast bullet association, I read about it on the internet and I have told them. You do have to be a member of The Cast Bullet Associaton.

Thanks a bunch,


David a. Cogburn

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Scearcy posted this 29 March 2019


This is not a CBA sponsored event so shooters do not have to be a member of the CBA to participate.

By all means invite them to shoot. The more the merrier.


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Scearcy posted this 29 March 2019


Here is the scoring for this rabbit target. Any shot touching a line or the outside edge of the fur gets the higher score.


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Scearcy posted this 29 March 2019


If you decide to buy your own targets, let me know via PM or email.  We will still need your contact info and ultimately the tech sheets but all of that can be done digitally.


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Scearcy posted this 30 March 2019

****No Fee if  you have your own targets*****

A number of you have inquired about using targets you already have on hand. That is fine. Furthermore Ken and I will incur minimal if any expense for additional shooters who have their own targets.

So email me and let me know how many guns and give me your contact information. We will email the tech sheets out  and you are good to go. 

Let's use up those old targets.

You can refer to the picture above when scoring your bunny targets. The line around the head follows the jaw line and then extends up to the edge of the ear.


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jeff houck posted this 30 March 2019


If you decide to buy your own targets, let me know via PM or email.  We will still need your contact info and ultimately the tech sheets but all of that can be done digitally.


Hi Jim,

I still have 35 targets from the previous bunny match. I can think of about 6 guns to start with, see if I get to them all. I can take a picture of each target with the gun. If you could post the data sheet on the web site here we could all just down load it as we need it. I think that would work, but then I'm a 67 year old non techie person whow doesn't even own a cell phone so what do I know? I still prefer books with paper pages. If you need to send it to me via personal email let me know.

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Scearcy posted this 31 March 2019

Jeff - 67 years old - shoot you are still a pup!

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jeff houck posted this 31 March 2019

"Jeff - 67 years old - shoot you are still a pup!"


Yez sir, dat's why you old foxes don' stan' no chan' o winin' a bunny hunt agin us spry yung uns! Even if'n we is all cripple up. So brings it on ol man!

PS, where's my data sheet? I need to fill out da score an' git it sent in afore I go to da range dis afernoon. 134

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Carl Pegg posted this 01 April 2019

I'm a fairly new member and missed the coyote shoot, but I'm not missing this one. Looks like a ton of fun. Good thing these are stationary rabbits and not running like the real thing, otherwise I'd have to learn how to cast #6 pellets and miss with a shotgun, just like the real thing! Now hopefully my shooting won't resemble shotgun patterns.

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Scearcy posted this 02 April 2019

I mailed the first group of targets today. I'll start emailing tech sheets soon.


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4060may posted this 03 April 2019


I'm in, just email me a tech sheet


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Scearcy posted this 05 April 2019

Bunny hunting is a thick cover endeavor here abouts. Prone or even sitting shots would be highly unlikely. While I am not going to join the off hand shooters I decided to try a pair of 6' cross sticks. The rifle gives the sticks scale. The materials cost me $6. Now I had better practice and learn how to use them or there will be no rabbits in the bag.


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max503 posted this 07 April 2019

Plain base?  Will a GC bullet work without the gas check?  I don't have any plain base molds in 22 or 30 caliber.

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JeffinNZ posted this 07 April 2019

Went to the range again this morning.  That pesky varmint sure is an ugly target in overcast conditions over SMLE sights. 

Cheers from New Zealand

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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 07 April 2019

i haven't shot a gas check on a cast bullet since about 1995 ... at least for my load testing for plinking ...  ( 2.5 moa is fine ) i haven't missed them  AT UNDER ~1300 fps, and my scrap alloys of probably 14 bhn and above .

remember 22rf is soft lead with kinda a gas check base and it works fine at 1300 fps.

but if i was trying to beat my buddies with teensy cast groups where 0.1 moa counts i would use gc on everything.   and anything much over 1300 fps without checks is " problematic " .




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barra posted this 07 April 2019

Can I get this target digitally and print it on a A4 sheet?

take a photo and send it in.

I’m up for  having a go at it..

 I think the shoot be over by the time I would get the target.


bruce from Oz

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Scearcy posted this 07 April 2019


Absolutely they work.


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Scearcy posted this 07 April 2019


Yes we are already doing that elsewhere. It allows us to go global.smile

Send me an email at:

[email protected]

Include your address too, please.


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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 07 April 2019

... global rabbit, heh ?? ... would this be like     nation-HOPPING     ?? 


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Scearcy posted this 07 April 2019

The next thing will be a Wallaby hunt. I wonder if there are targets?


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barra posted this 07 April 2019

O.k.  Jim Email sent.

I used to shoot a lots of rabbits out of the window of the Ute spotlighting at night.

That must count as a bonified field position then  Hey!

Just trying to compensate as I may have to stand on my head to shoot as the targets may appear upside down.




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Bohica793 posted this 07 April 2019

Just trying to compensate as I may have to stand on my head to shoot as the targets may appear upside down.


Just turn the rifle over and you'll be fine. 

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Scearcy posted this 08 April 2019

Progress Report

I have now sent out 54 bunny targets. Including Ken and I there are 7 more shooters who are going to supply their own targets.

I think we will easily have 75 - 80 targets out or committed. Even if we don't get them all in, it is going to be a great turnout.

Thank you to everyone who is participating.

If you are still on the fence, there is some time yet as the targets are due June 1. We will eventually cut off the new entrants but likely not for two weeks yet.


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harleyrock posted this 10 April 2019


Another shoot to do.  Now which gun! guns.....

As always Jim I'm in. And thank you for all the fun!

Have Hip replacement on the 10th of April so should be healed up to shoot by June.

I'll be looking for the final data so I can send in my target fees.



You should be shooting before June!

I have had 2 hips replaced and if your experience is any thing like mine you will be shooting those targets by the 20th of April.  Knees are another matter.  I have had one replaced and 3 years later it still hurts.  It has not limited my mobility, but it hurts to some degree most of the time.

Lifetime NRA since 1956, NRA Benefactor, USN Member, CBA Member

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Scearcy posted this 16 April 2019

I am still mailing an envelope of targets every few days. Right now it looks like the over/under for number of scores expected is about 90!!! That is absolutely astounding. We will test Ken's administrative skills when they come in. Actually our 1st 3 scores are in from Australia. They were damn good for being shot upside down.


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Redleged posted this 17 April 2019

Hi all!

Beautiful day in Memphis, if not a little windy. Got out to shoot the first two bunny targets. One with a Ruger BH, the other with a Rossi M92, both in .45 Colt. Shooting a little bunny at 50 yds with a pistol is not easy! The first set of 10 just nicked the top of the target with 2 holes, so I shot it again with a different load, same gun, same position. The second target was a little better, but hard to draw a good bead on the little bunny with irons, even a tang sight. Oh well...I guess I'll keep my day job. Ed

Growing old is mandatory, growing up, however, is totally optional!

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barra posted this 17 April 2019

2" higher and you would’ve had 76 or thereabouts. big_grin

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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 17 April 2019

hah ... i knew these bunnies wouldn't be as easy as you might think ... after all we are using special NATIVE AMERICAN bunnies :

" hoppi bunnies " 



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Scearcy posted this 17 April 2019

FWIW I think the rabbit is a tougher target at 50 yards than the groundhog is at 100 yds. If you miss your aiming point by a couple of inches you are usually out of the money. With iron sights it is difficult to settle on a good point of aim.


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GWarden posted this 17 April 2019


GC bullet without the GC on it works, just need to keep the velocity down.


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tlkeizer posted this 19 April 2019


Fired at the first bunny, then realized I was using gas checked bullets and Jim had listed plain base on one of the first posts, so I will need to re-fire using bare bottom bullets.  Be that as it may be, here are the results and data.  1X10, 6X7, 2X5, 1X0, total of 62.  Rifle is my Savage 99E, .308 Winchester, 170 Lee mold, range scrap with added tin and antimony, 19 grains of Accurate 5744.  I did manage to clip one whisker for the zero, and was happy it was not that far out as I pulled my 6th shot and expected it to be quite a bit further out.  Temperature was mid 40's, slightly overcast, variable swirling winds 2-4 mph.  Position is sitting, unsupported rifle.

                  First Bunny

Next set will be without gas checks, but thought somebody might be interested in this.


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