Breech seater tool sources

  • Last Post 31 July 2020
Tom Acheson posted this 28 July 2020

I’ve inquired over on the ASSRA forum on this. So I decided to do likewise here.

The rifle is a Remington Rolling Block #5. The tang is drilled and tapped for either a vernier sight or an anchor for the BS tool. Chambering is .38-55.

Russ Weber is a well known BS tool maker but unfortunately he is no longer with us.

Bill Barglof was suggested.

Any suggestions as to who else  I could contact to purchase one of these?





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Tom Acheson posted this 31 July 2020

Along the same lines....does anyone have a Green Mountain barrel on a .38-55 and if so, what do you size your non breech seated bullets to?




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longhunter posted this 31 July 2020

Hello all,

I have been breach seating for over 40 years.

A simple push in tool that Lyman sold at the turn of the century can be used.  How much shooting are you doing ? Matches

I shot ASSRA matches for years!  Several simple tools you can use, no warm gear needed! Soft bullets I use 20/1. Tapered is a help also.

If you know a machinest you can  work with him and make your own. I will look for some names for you!




Jon Welda CW5 USA Ret.

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Ross Smith posted this 30 July 2020

GeeZ Ken

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RicinYakima posted this 29 July 2020

Ken, You have to get five record shots in ten minutes with sighters and foulers. You only have 30 seconds to reload.

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  • Bud Hyett
Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 29 July 2020

how about a geared pusher ? ... a worm gear setup could give a 5 to 1 leverage, then use a harbor fright 1/4 inch drive ratchet to wind it in .. total leverage 10-20 to one ...

...or a hydraulic ... slave and master ... you could swage the bullet right in the throat ...

hey, it's midnight ...


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  • TRKakaCatWhisperer
  • Ross Smith
Bud Hyett posted this 29 July 2020

Two breechseaters, Russ Weber and Ken Meyer, which work well are what I have. Currently shooting 25:1 alloy, but going to 20:1 before the next match. I have experimented with 20:1, this alloy is about as hard as you can easily breech-seat.

Working with two CPA Stevens (one likes AA 4100 and the other likes #9), the chambers are close enough that either breech-seater will work in either rifle. I use the CPA plugged case after lightly seating with the the Meyer to assure uniform seating. I am not handy enough to toss a bullet into the chamber and then use only the plugged case.  

With the passing of Russ Weber, I looked at the tool for manufacture. it is complicated and I do not know how he made it so cheaply considering time investment and tooling. However, if there is a way to investment cast the main body with tooling points to drill and ream the central bore, this could lower the cost considerably. The locking lug into the action dimension could be cast the longest common dimension and then be trimmed to the needed length for each action series. The other feature that could be changed for ease of manufacture is eliminate the screw threads that hold the case and use a tight slip fit. 

There is an article in the latest ASSRA Journal on breech-seater tools and their history.

Farm boy from Illinois, living in the magical Pacific Northwest

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Ross Smith posted this 29 July 2020

My home made seater levers off the hammer. Doesn't seem to hurt anything. Shooting soft lead in my 32-40. If soft enough bullet and a tapered throat meant for BS if you don't have to seat very far then hand push type might work. CPA rifles might be able to reccomend someone. CPA also makes a hand capper-decapper that is great. I have 2 of them and prefer them to my loading press.

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mashburn posted this 29 July 2020

Hello Tom,

I'm going to give you a name and number of a man who can probably fix you up. He does investment casting of old single shot rifle actions and builds some very beautiful single shots. He is a Black Powder Silhouette shooter and also shoots Schutzen (mispelled). He makes breech seating tools. If he doesn't have some breech seating tools he can tell you where to go. I've been in his shop when he was building some of these things. His name is Rodney Storie and he lives in Shawnee, Oklahoma. Telephone number is 405-206-5088. He screens his calls pretty well so you may have to give him a few calls to contact him. If you don't get an answer, let me know, and I will contact him for you and tell him what you want. He will receive my calls. This is the kind of work he does for a living.


David a. Cogburn

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4060may posted this 29 July 2020


found a picture of my seater, 38-55 RB, keep in mind that anything harder than 1-20 will be very hard to seat, especially if the rifle is not throated for breech seating, straight bullet and no throat equals difficult, and defeats the purpose, most of my BS bullets are 1-30, about 8 BHN


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4060may posted this 29 July 2020

found another , happens to be on a system AYDT


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4060may posted this 29 July 2020


RB Breech seater's are difficult, The ODG sometime put a pin in the barrel to hook a seater on, I use a case with a plunger, and tap it in with a pin and hammer, on my 38-55, make sure the rim is relieved so as to not hit the extractor

I think Frankore, on the ASSRA site, made a seater attachment for RB that is also a scope mount

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TRKakaCatWhisperer posted this 29 July 2020

I see an opportunity for SOMEONE to take the popular rifles and the functional breech seaters and first come up with a set of drawings for some of them AND then do a 'group buy' and make 20 sets of parts.  IKEA comes to mind, but only in humor.  Designed well it could be done with a set of allen wrenches.  My personal interests are in Ruger #1's, High and Low walls, and small frame Martini's.



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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 28 July 2020

hi tom ... i am only vaguely familiar with the breech seater gizmos ... but if you get really desperate, i did keep some machines and might be able to help  .  pm me if.


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