While doing some online shopping while stranded at home, the helpful gnomes at Amazon popped up some suggestions of additional items I might be interested in adding to my order. Included in the selection was an item that did catch my attention. I’ve been interested in having a way to peer closely at the bore of my rifles for quite some time. The price of a borescope however has kept it from rising to the top of my list of “things I need.” I guess I haven’t checked for some time but it appears that digital technology has advanced the affordability or a borescope by quite a jump. Maybe.
There were two or three brands and models of borescopes offered up by the helpful lads at Jeff Bezos’ Bargain Barn and they were an order of magnitude cheaper than I expected to pay for a bore scope. The selections started at about fifty bucks and ranged up to a bit over one hundred. These scopes connected to a monitor of some kind such as a laptop, smart phone, or tablet and claimed to provide a good view of the inside of your rifle’s bore. Of course, they were all made by our crafty Chinese friends so I’m not sure if they compare to a Harbor Freight gadget that lasts through one or two uses or may be a decent tool at an attractive price.
I’m not sure why these scopes have flown under my radar so far but I’m intrigued. Especially by the price. Have any of you forum readers used one of these scopes or known someone who has? I’d love to hear from anyone having experience with them.