Black Powder .44 WCF Revolver Chronograph Results

  • Last Post 10 July 2024
davemarkowitz posted this 07 July 2024

A few weeks ago I used some Amazon points and gift cards towards a Garmin Xero C1 Pro chronograph. It uses Doppler radar to measure velocity and is compact and light enough to keep in my range bag. So, I've been on a quest to chronograph all the things.

Today I went to the range and chronographed two .44-40 black powder handloads. These were shot in my Cimarron Model P (Colt Frontier Six Shooter replica built by Uberti) which has a 5.5" barrel. Both loads used a 219 grain bullet cast in an Accurate Molds 43-215C mold.

First up was a .44 Henry-equivalent load with 1.9cc (~30 grains) of pre-factory explosion Goex 3Fg, sparked by Federal No.150 large pistol primers.


MV: 833

ME: 337.68

Not bad, and not too far behind .45 ACP Ball.

Second were some loaded with 2.2cc (~35 grains) of Scheutzen 3Fg, sparked with CCI large pistol primers.

MV: 756.1

ME: 278.27

I was very surprised at how much slower the Scheutzen loads ran. I was under the impression that it's at least as energetic as Goex, but that didn't seem to be the case with this batch.

I plan to load up some more of each of these loads but with the same primer to remove a variable, but I doubt that the results will be much different. I also need to chronograph some loads with Swiss 3Fg, of which I have a limited supply, along with a pound of some 1990s-vintage Elephant 3Fg. I'm expecting higher velocities with the Swiss and lower velocities with Elephant.

--- Dave Markowitz

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Bryan Austin posted this 10 July 2024

Thanks Ed, could not have pulled it together without you, John and some others!!!

44-40 Website -

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Ed Harris posted this 09 July 2024

Bryan, Thanks for the links. Lots of entertaining historical data as well as good tech info and hints. I refer to your .44-40 pages often.

73 de KE4SKY In Home Mix We Trust From the Home of Ed's Red in "Almost Heaven" West Virginia

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  • Bryan Austin
Bryan Austin posted this 08 July 2024

Thanks Dave,

I'll just a link to it for those that may be interested.

44-40 Website -

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  • delmarskid
davemarkowitz posted this 08 July 2024


I got the notification email for your post with duplex load info before you removed it. I was wondering where that went.

Anyway, it contained pertinent information and I don't mind a little thread veer. 


--- Dave Markowitz

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Bryan Austin posted this 08 July 2024

A few weeks ago I used some Amazon points and gift cards towards a Garmin Xero C1 Pro chronograph. It uses Doppler radar to measure velocity and is compact and light enough to keep in my range bag. So, I've been on a quest to chronograph all the things.

Today I went to the range and chronographed two .44-40 black powder handloads. These were shot in my Cimarron Model P (Colt Frontier Six Shooter replica built by Uberti) which has a 5.5" barrel. Both loads used a 219 grain bullet cast in an Accurate Molds 43-215C mold.

First up was a .44 Henry-equivalent load with 1.9cc (~30 grains) of pre-factory explosion Goex 3Fg, sparked by Federal No.150 large pistol primers.

MV: 833

ME: 337.68

Not bad, and not too far behind .45 ACP Ball.

Second were some loaded with 2.2cc (~35 grains) of Scheutzen 3Fg, sparked with CCI large pistol primers.

MV: 756.1

ME: 278.27

I was very surprised at how much slower the Scheutzen loads ran. I was under the impression that it's at least as energetic as Goex, but that didn't seem to be the case with this batch.

I plan to load up some more of each of these loads but with the same primer to remove a variable, but I doubt that the results will be much different. I also need to chronograph some loads with Swiss 3Fg, of which I have a limited supply, along with a pound of some 1990s-vintage Elephant 3Fg. I'm expecting higher velocities with the Swiss and lower velocities with Elephant.



I replied with some Duplex data but removed it thinking you were just doing full black powder tests.


I think you will find that a more dense powder such as Swiss will give better performance. Also, compressing the powder as were originals also helps to regain original velocities.

Here is a list of some black powder pressure testing I did a while back. All black powder loads were charged by 40gr weight, or as noted, and compressed as needed with a powder compression die.

44-40 Website -

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  • davemarkowitz
Ed Harris posted this 08 July 2024

Herco or Unique would work OK in duplex. RL7 I would use by itself in a full-charge load, about 24 grains.

73 de KE4SKY In Home Mix We Trust From the Home of Ed's Red in "Almost Heaven" West Virginia

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Wilderness posted this 08 July 2024

You might try the Scheutzen powder with a 3-grain smokeless booster of an easily ignited, fast-burning, bulky flake shotgun powder similar to Red Dot or Green Dot.

A couple of generations ago I was running a Winchester Model 92 .44-40 carbine. Favourite load was 30 gns Curtis & Harvey #4 black powder with 2 gns Sporting Ballistite on the primer, and soft lead HP bullet. Rifle and cases were much cleaner, and cartridges didn't collapse in the magazine. Logic was 1/4 charge of Ballistite (full charge 9 gns) and 3/4 charge of black. Since then I have noted a preference among the cognosenti for slower smokeless powders in duplex loads.

You are only as good as your library.

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  • Bud Hyett
davemarkowitz posted this 08 July 2024

Thanks Ed. I like that and have some Red Dot. I also have some Reloder 7, Unique, and Herco. What about those?

--- Dave Markowitz

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Ed Harris posted this 08 July 2024

You might try the Scheutzen powder with a 3-grain smokeless booster of an easily ignited, fast-burning, bulky flake shotgun powder similar to Red Dot or Green Dot.

73 de KE4SKY In Home Mix We Trust From the Home of Ed's Red in "Almost Heaven" West Virginia

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  • John F.
davemarkowitz posted this 08 July 2024

I don't have any Pyrodex of any kind. I'd try some of the pellets if I had them or found them at a reasonable price.

The same bullet on top of 2.2cc of Swiss 3Fg clocked at 1300+ FPS from my Cimarron 1873 Sporting Rifle (24.25" barrel), equaling the original factory loads but with a slightly heavier bullet. I'm sure it will give good results in a wheelgun.

--- Dave Markowitz

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Aaron posted this 07 July 2024

Be sure to try a Pyrodex pellet load if you have some of the 30gr pistol pellets. You will be surprised!

With rifle in hand, I confidently go forth into the darkness.

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