This fellow came past a dam I was watching this morning. His gait was uneven and I thought he might have a leg injury. After a walking pursuit on my part he copped a 175 gn hollow point cast .30-30 in behind the shoulder and out the neck. This is the sized down #U321297HP at 2180 fps. With no bones broken he ran about 50 meters.
Entry wound was slightly elongated, with lots of blood, but exit was a neat .30 cal hole that took some finding. Image is of the exit side. Inside was a mess. These bullets shed their noses in the pig, leaving what looks like a little wadcutter that then penetrates seemingly forever.
The poor sod had a bad run. Apart from me shooting him, the cartilage at the base of both ears was exposed from being chewed by dogs, and he had been converted from boar to barrow as recently as last night. Someone around this area has been doing them regularly, since I shoot a few every year. No doubt they hope to catch them again later when they're free of the objectionable boar taint.
This is the dam I was watching. Image (from another day) is from Browning game camera on all day 5 minute time lapse.
You are only as good as your library.