Air Rifle Cast Bullet Matches

  • Last Post 22 February 2019
rhbrink posted this 19 February 2019

With the pellet and bullet molds now available for air rifles and along with more powerful air rifles anyone gave any thought to include air rifles in a our cast bullets matches? I have a guy asking about shooting in our club matches so why not as long as they are cast? It's been a LONGGGG Winter!


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R. Dupraz posted this 19 February 2019

Might have a little trouble getting past Rule 4.2 and 5.1. If they are just club matches, you could probably do whatever you want. 


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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 20 February 2019

we allowed pellet rifles to compete in our 22rf BR50 matches .... they shot at 20-25 yards, we shot at 50 yds.  ... their best beat our best powder guns every time ... they shot a lot of perfect scores.

i suppose there might be a distance ... 36.8 yards ?? ... where they would be equal ... 





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rhbrink posted this 20 February 2019

R. Dupraz, I was thinking local matches only we do a lot of stuff that is not exactly by the book but the main idea is to get more people out to shoot. And to gauge any interest out there on air rifle shooting.

Ken, I was not going to give them any advantage at all make them shoot 100 yards!!!! That should teach them a lesson or two especially if our old friend the Pioneer swirling, vortex, or maybe just flat out blow wind shows up!

Has anyone seen what the air rifle guys do at the Exteme Benchrest Shoot? 75 and 100 yards pretty dang impressive but they have to shoot manufactured pellets.  


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R. Dupraz posted this 20 February 2019

rhbrink  wrote:

"R. Dupraz, I was thinking local matches only we do a lot of stuff that is not exactly by the book but the main idea is to get more people out to shoot. And to gauge any interest out there on air rifle shooting."

Nothing wrong with that ! 

I am a member of a club that started shooting monthly regulation lever action silhouette matches about ten years ago or so. The initial investment was a fair amount at the time and while we do follow the NRA rules fairly closely, we welcome any one who wants to try the game with a qualifying lever gun.. The idea  was for the same reason. to draw people into the shooting game. It also has been pretty success full over the years in helping to keep the club afloat. We don't get too hung up on the winning or losing thing. 

There is also another club within driving distance that hosts an annual  indoor fifty foot paper 22RF silhouette shoot on Super Bowl Sunday. One member came up with this idea probably ten years ago, again for the same reasons that we are talking about. The rules are pretty basic in that  it is open to anyone and any 22 RF rifle. sporters, target rifles scopes, irons, kids, adults etc. The rules have now involved to include pistols and grouping the rifles in like classes. with an emphasis on kids.

It has been very successful over the years with a regular annual attendance of probably 30-40 shooters. One asset that this club has of course is a pretty nice heated indoor fifty foot range.

There is even an "Old Farts class who just like pulling triggers and hearing them go "BANG"  or maybe "Phsssssst" once again, whichever the case may be. 

While there is presently no class for air guns in SBS shoot, the more I think about your idea of adding them, the more I like it. Think I'll suggest adding a class tor them to the match director. 







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rhbrink posted this 20 February 2019

What started all of this was a muzzleloading club that I belong to opened the club to air rifle shooting that first match was something else a bunch of old Farts going PHSSST, PHSSST, PHSSST, Dang,Chit, What the Heck, but that was all that you could hear! Hilarious! A bunch of old Farts with guns pointed down range and a whole bunch of cussing and what the hecks? Quietest rifle match that I was ever at! Pretty soon comes the idea of shooting with the cast bullet bunch (actually I might have encouraged that a bit)? What the heck bring'em on!


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John Alexander posted this 20 February 2019

I think inviting the air gun shooters to see what they can do is a great idea.  I think anytime we can invite more shooters to come and shoot with us and we can accommodate them we should -- Jacketed, rimfire, air, crossbows, whatever. Should increase the interest and fun and if that isn't why we are shooting we should see a shrink before we hurt somebody.

Art. 2.2 of the rules takes care of both 4.4 and 5.1 for "unclassified shooters".  Informal competition could be a lot of fun and most of our matches aren't exactly overflowing. 

Issues of official classes and including them officially in registered can be worried about later, or never,


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R. Dupraz posted this 20 February 2019


I read 2.2 also and looked at the air gun shooters as competing, and being Competitors. 


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John Alexander posted this 21 February 2019


I read 2.2 also and looked at the air gun shooters as competing, and being Competitors. 



I understood and you are right. I should have worded that sentence differently. If we ever got to the point where it looked like it made sense to make it official those and possibly other rules would have to be changed. In the meantime I hope they are encouraged to shoot with us. The more the merrier.


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rhbrink posted this 21 February 2019

Thanks for the reply's guys! Now to just get them out to shoot!


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Maven posted this 21 February 2019

Question for you, RB:  I have an ancient Crosman .22cal. single shot pneumatic rifle, i.e., the kind you pump up, and am wondering whether it would be competitive?  Are we thinking 10 meters? 25 yd.?  Btw, it has a factory aperture [rear] sight and a brass bbl. 

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rhbrink posted this 22 February 2019

Probably not these guys are shooting rifles capable of MOA or better at 100 yards under ideal conditions the wind plays havoc with those 25 grain pellets shooting from about 950 to 1000 fps. If interested in seeing what a modern high power air rifle can do go look at the scores and groups that the guys that shoot the and the Extreme Air Rifle benchrest guys can do.

But don't throw that old Crosman away there are places to buy rebuild kits or even guys that you can send it to have it rebuilt good as new if not better.


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Scearcy posted this 22 February 2019

Forgive my ignorance but what are we defining as an air rifle? Pump up, break barrel, side lever. one of those fantastic $2,000 machines they fill from scuba tanks? All of the above? 

I have been lusting after one of those high end hunting rigs the British use but you can spend serious money in a hurry.


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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 22 February 2019

ok, i confess ... about once a year i succumb to primal urges and watch a couple you-tubes on those night rat hunts with very techie air rifle equipment ...

and yes, those olympic match air rifles are very very fetching ...

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rhbrink posted this 22 February 2019

Scearcy, Yep all the above! It's just money!


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