Accuracy with spitzer cast bullets in rifles

  • Last Post 04 December 2022
.22-10-45 posted this 03 December 2022

Can a spitzer cast rifle bullet achieve match accuracy, equal to a true bore ride or Lovern style?  In the distant past...when I could really see..I was using the old "Squib" Ideal 311413 in an 1898 krag.  With 18 gr. IMR 4227, I could keep them in a ragged hole at 100yds.  Has anyone had success accuracy wise with other .30 spitzers?

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RicinYakima posted this 04 December 2022

Yes, they can IF IF IF they fit the throat. The first Ideal I had was less than .300" in front of the first driving band. The B&M mould (The original maker of the Squibb bullet) was .304". Ideal quit grouping at 1200 f/s. The B&M could go up to 1450 f/s. They are very short, so don't expect much past 100 yards. 

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Idahocaster posted this 03 December 2022

I've had good success with the Lee C312-155-2R in a K-31. The short bullet works well in the short throat. Velocity was about 1800fps. It would do 2" to 3" at 100 yards using the open sights. That was before my eyes started to change. Not sure I could do that now.

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John Carlson posted this 04 December 2022

I have used the NOE 311199 with only OK results except that it is my go-to bullet for 300 yard shoots.  Reduced drop and less wind deflection seem to be it's strength there.

The Lee 312155 shot as well as anything in my 7.62x39 but the other bullets I used there were significantly heavier.

John Carlson. CBA Director of Military Competition.

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