I probably need to pay a little more for my bags but wanted to know if there are some good products out there and who makes them. I have some c**ldwell bags and brand X leather bags.I also use cloth shot bags filled with sand. Seems everything I use doesnt hold up. They get sooty and holes burned in them from my revolvers. I may buy a scrap of leather to throw over them.. Any ideas?
Best Bag Rests for Revolver shooting
- Last Post 25 July 2015
There is no answer if you shoot revolvers with the cylinder gap over the bag. I used scraps of leather from Tandy for years and just replaced them every year. FWIW, Ric
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I have good luck using one of the “semi” hard rests available: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.mtmcase-gard.com/images/handgunrestc.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.mtmcase-gard.com/products/shooting/shooting-rests-frr.html&h=359&w=450&sz=29&tbnid=keIMlFHP-hs3oM:&tbnh=98&tbnw=123&zoom=1&usg=sqORanUc2-2Qz3D-xrQuQbColI=&docid=nfXnUXZP97D6WM&sa=X&ei=tEgIUr-4KcfuyQGfhIG4Dw&ved=0CGQQ9QEwAQ&dur=4107
That sure is a long link, but try it. There are several examples there. I like the MTM, FWIW.
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Thats what Im talkin about.. Thanks a bunch. And made in the USA. And affordable.. Sweet!
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I use a piece of suede leather and replace as necessary.
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I put the revolver frame on the bag just in front of the trigger guard and another bag behind the rest for my hands to sit on.
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I put duc tape on my top bag...works... add more as needed...
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hobby Lobby, or other leather “throw towel” over the good bags! Learned this the hard way!
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I use a small rug that they use for samples,or found in dep. stores.Roll up tight and use tyes to keep roll tite.They work great,when starting to show where un roll and re tighten.panman,PS i found this out on another site???.
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Cut the top off of an old boot. If you can find an old pair of lineman or logging boots you can lace it around the bag. A worn out pair of good quality work boots usually has a good piece of leather on the top. Jeff
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Or 2
I have some of these, if you want to try/have one.
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Several years of handgun br shooting convinced me that the gun sight needs to be about 12” above the bench, else bifocal/trifocal/focus/sore neck problems. Competitor, Striker, M10 Striker cut-off stock, M29, M10, Ruger MK 2, others.
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I'm with Bulldog on this one. I wrap my shooting bag with duct tape (black is my favorite on this one). When it gets cut-up again, I just take off the old duct tape and then rewrap it. Works for me!
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I also Use Red Green's favorite tool, Duct tape. But having been a finish carpenter by trade before retirement I'm going strait to work on one of Joe's range box handgun rest combos. Thanks for posting the pics Joe. It looks very well thought out. GP
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I took a section of auto inner tube (can you still get them?) and slipped the sand filled shot bag inside it. After 20 years it has a few age cracks but has never “blown thru."
BTW I find all kinds of uses around the shop for small pieces of rubber from these tubes.
Glenn :fire
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Kind of low tech but I keep a sock filled with rice in my shooting bag. Put about 2 cups of rice in a sock, seal with a string, double the sock over and seal again. Very handy.
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Max I hear you have to be very careful with rice. It has even been banned at weddings. I heard that the birds would pick up the grains and then get a drink of water and blow up their innerds. I am not sure what the PC option is.
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The rice story about birds blowing up their stomachs is : “What the bovine left in the pasture.". Otherwise, every duck and goose on the California flyway as well as central and eastern would be dead. They eat tons of rice a year.
Birds have a crop an organ that uses gravel to grind up their food before digestion. I am sure that dried corn would do the same in a gut if it wasn't ground up before it reached the stomach.
Just shooting down old wives tales. Brodie
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