posted this
14 January 2013
http://www.castbulletassoc.org/view_user.php?id=3610>Wayne S:
Gallant effort Wayne, But I'll offer some constructive criticism. A square container won't need the abrasion and the abrasion itself will attract and hold your lube, making it less available to your bullets. That held lube will also dry and flake onto the next batch giving it spots.
The warm setting on most ovens is about 180 degrees, just hotter than hottest tap water. Your 220 degrees is hot enough to very rapidly evaporate the solvents out of your lube before it can be spread effectively and clumping of lube is likely from your high temperature.
The Parchment paper is very porous and will readily suck warm lube right off your bullets.
Try setting your oven lower at “warm” immediately put the bullets that are in an aluminum brownie pan right into the oven and set timer 5 minutes. Before the 5 minutes id over you can microwave a small 4 0z container of lube 1 minute and maybe another 30 seconds and it will be warmed as your bullets are heated.
Square milk 1/2 or 1 gallon milk containers, coated fiber or plastic, make a fine tumbling container for tumble lube. Cut the top 1/3 of the container off with a scissors. Just put the bullets, in squirt a little lube, tip the container 45 degrees and rotate gently for 1 minute. No shaking that dents bullets is necessary.
Dumping onto Wax paper is effective, it doesn't pull lube off the bullets, the bullets dont stick to it and then the wax paper is cheap and disposable after the job. I can't think of a grocery store not selling wax paper, It is cheap and easy to find.
I do occasionally clean the tumbling container by spraying with WD40 and wiping with paper towels.