Got a Moison

  • Last Post 09 May 2017
CB posted this 19 March 2011

For my birthday I got Moison, 100 rounds of crappy ammo, sling, baynoet, ammo pouches.

I am digging up a source of reloadable brass, but because the bore has become about .312, I was thinking of loading this caliber with the Ranch Dog TLC311-165-RF cast bullet. I may shoot these unsized, not sure yet.

Any one have mold suggestions? Some loading data with that bullet would be helpful




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Brodie posted this 19 March 2011

I would ask George.  He's the Moison man.


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Brodie posted this 19 March 2011

I would ask George.  He's the Moison man.


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DAMRON G posted this 19 March 2011

You may have to buy factory loads to get brass as everybody seems to be out of stock.If you use Win(imported) brass the ones i have have shallow pockets and you need to cut them or use pistol primers.Any favorite load for the 30-06 shoots fine in the Mosin.Lately i like 12g of Unique or 14 of TrailBoss.The Lee 155g Harris bullets shoots well as does the 314299."tturner” sent me some .316 dia bullets i intend to try next time out.So far .314 has been fine as long as the nose is .302 or thereabouts.Really the Lee 155 seems about as good as any and its cheap.I have never shot it but good sources say the Lee Bullet for the 303 Brit is a winner in Mosins.

For the record Wally Enga is THE Mosin man.


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tturner53 posted this 20 March 2011

As a temporary measure you could pull the bullets from some of that milsurp stuff. Then load a suitable cb load. For what it's worth, the 147 gr. Russian 'Light Ball' isn't that bad accuracy wise, for what it is. Anyway, if you have the dies and a bullet puller you're in business 'til you get some boxer brass. If the RD mold is dropping them at .311 they will likely be too small, at least in the MNs I know. I'm using from .312 to .316. My Winchester brass has the shallow pocket issue George mentioned, however I shot 60 rounds today in a sil. match using Wolf LR primers(they were a tiny bit high) and full power loads without any problems. My policy with these is to load the fattest bullet that will chamber easily, disregarding the groove diameter. Tons of good loads here for the 7.62x54. On a side note, I found out I can neck size and deprime my 7.62x54R cases with a Lee .303 collet die. Very sweet, fast, no lube required. If for cbs then I expand with a Lyman M die after neck sizing. Easy schmeezy. I'm not recommending a specific load because there's so much data available here and also my loads are all over the map, from very light Bullseye to full charges of .50 BMG powder. All work more or less.

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CB posted this 20 March 2011

George where are you? Bras is not so much the issue, I want to know more about the bullets and the loads.



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DAMRON G posted this 20 March 2011

Specific good loads in a few of my 91-30 Russian rifles.haven't had good luck with the M38's or M44's

GC loads-

Lyman 314299 16g AL 2400, RP 9-1/2 1485 fps SD's 10.5-18.5

Lyman 314299 13g Unique, Fed LP , 1415 fps SD's, 9.5-13.5

Lee 155g Harris 14.0 TrailBoss,Fed LP, 1435 fps SD's 3.5 to 10.5

Ideal 245g 323378 ( sized to .314) 16.0, AL2400, Fed LP 1320 fps Sd's 10-18

Plain Base loads-

Lee 155g Harris(no GC) 11.0 TrailBoss, Fed LP,1250 fps SD's 7.0 to 15.5

Lyman 311008 4.5g Bullseye, Fed LP, 1115 fps Sd's 12-20 (50 yd load)

ModernBond (.312 dia) 190g Pointed PB 6.5 BE, Win LP, 1130 fps Sd's 9.5-15.5

MountainMolds (.312 dia) 228g FP PB 12.0 TrailBoss,WinLP,1174fps Sd's 6.5-10.5

The above GC loads will shoot many 1.2"-1.75” 5 shot groups at 100 in scoped rifles(add a bit for issue sights).(Plain base add about 1/2")Sometimes you can get 10 shot groups under 1.5” at 100 and a few 3/4"  5 shot groups,but not often enough to do it on demand.

pic is of the NEI 72 (NEI's Harris Bullet) with T-Boss one 5 and one 10 shot group at 100 yards with 6x scoped 91-30.


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CB posted this 20 March 2011


Thanks, my Mosin may be turned into a scout rifle, one I can keep in the truck. But still I need casting and load which you have supplied.

Again thanks,


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72coupe posted this 20 March 2011

Jerry I use the 314299 in my Romanian MN44 as it has a .314 throat. I use 10 grains of Red Dot in range pick up brass.

This shoots very well as I can see the front sight or the rear sight but never both at the same time.

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72coupe posted this 20 March 2011

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Pigslayer posted this 25 February 2012

Went to a gun show today @ Howard County fairgrounds here in Maryland. I tried to tell myself that I was only going there to “look". Well, I looked at a nice 1939 Mosin . . . and bought it. This one was made before the war & the machining is a lot finer. The barrel & reciever are smooth with no machine marks. the sling escutcheons are flush with the stock & actually have screws in them . . . pretty nice actually. I got it home & cleaned the barrel & it is real shiney bright! Then I slugged it and according to “Starrett” it is .313 x .302. Seems to be pretty much the norm for the Russian built Mosins as the hardball military ammo is .311. My other (1942) Mosin has a much rougher finish and more than noticeable machine marks to it. It took a lot of scrubbing to get the bore real shiney. Also I had to do a lot of work to the trigger to get the slop out. Don't get me wrong . . . it's a good shooter. It's just that the one's being made after the war started weren't as “clean” looking. Understandable as the Russians were in a hurry to produce weapons due to having a Monster (Hitler) breathing down their necks. Being as I'm not a “Purist” . . . I'm going to sporterize this one. Don't go threatening to beating me with a knotted plow handle either! I'm going to shorten the barrel & have the barrel/action parkerized. I'll have the “Boltman” do his work in altering to a bent bolt. I found a site that supplies really nice either laminate or solid (walnut) stocks pre-inletted for the Mosin. Gonna float & bed the action. No, I'm not made of money. I'll have to do this one step at a time. As money permits. Why do all this when I could just go out & buy a new rifle for the money involved? Because it's fun . . . & it's just what we do.

If someone else had of done to me what I did to myself . . . I'd have killed him. Humility is an asset. Heh - heh.

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giorgio de galleani posted this 26 February 2012


My religion is to shoot the largest bullets that feed smoothly ,and slips into a fired case neck without effort.

I use the old NEI bullets n°  72 and 83 and they shoot well enough.

Another bullet by LBT need some throating in the gun,to seat it without going too much inside the case.

Some day I'll get a neck reamer.

Numrich sold an inexpensive kit to mount a bent bolt on the Moisin.Did that on a 1940 model ,mounted an american scope on a mount with the american rings.

Russian scopes are a pain in the ................Sold it because it had bedding problems with the issue stock.Rifles in good conditions,shoot surplrisingly well,their collector value is low, it might be worth while to shorten the long barrel and put a new sporting stock.The straight handle is too short to be bent.

The short 44 Mosin ,with Scout style scope is a nice toy, I do not take him hunting for its lack of an intelligent safety.

I know ,the safety is in the brain of the shooter,buy I cannot rely on my brains.................... 

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fRANK46 posted this 30 October 2015

Here is a load I use in my Finn model 27 moisin. Lyman 314299 sized to .3135 javelina lube IMR 4759 20.o grains case Hansen Cartridge case neck sized then belled win large rifle primer Bullet seated with cas check even with the junction of neck and beginning of the shoulder. Note on the hansen cartridge cases, these are NNY cases with deep primer pockets. Primer will actually move from where it is seated to flush with bolt face when fired. And at the time hansen was about the only affordable boxer primed case available. If you happen to find some american eagle 7.62x54r ammo marketed by federal grab it. These were loaded by norma are are great cases. I bought a bunch of the american eagle in both 6.5x55 swedish mauser and 7.62x54r. Grafs sells the nny/ppu cases for a bunch of surplus rifle calibers and so far have had no problems with them. The american eagle hasn't been marketed in years in the metric calibers so if you see squarish white boxes in calibers you load for grab it. Frank

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Dirtybore posted this 09 May 2017

I discovered factory ammo was worthless in my Mosin because it used .308 bullets and my rifle's groove diameter is .315".  I ended up using 303 bullets for jacketed and Lee's .311, 185 gr bullet.  That bullet cast .315 so I didn't have to size it.   As far as powder, thry 24 or 25 gr of IMR 3031, IMR 4895, or Reloder 7.   It's worth a try anyway.   

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