i made up some lube for pan lube and its not sticking in the grease grove, less than half have very little in the grove? heres what i made it out of, 1# beeswax,1#parifin wax,# 1#vasaline maybe its the hot temps we are having here in alabama?
pan lube not working
- Last Post 24 January 2011
The three maybe seperating when they cool? I had some issues of my lube not staying in the grooves when I pan lubed some 45-70's a while back. I put the bullets in the pan on a hot plate, just enough to get them warmed up. Then poured my lube in and let them set till cool. Issue went away.
I am no guru on the subject of lube and have only used my Felix home brewed lube the last 6-7 years. You may have to much parrafin or too much vaseline. IMHO, you would do as well to cut the parafine with vaseline until it is some what soft and sticky. The beeswax is just being wasted with that mix. jeff
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Try cooling the lube in a refrigerator or freezer before popping the bullets out. It will firm up the lube and allow the groove to more or less cut through the lube. Also, you could add a little more wax to stiffen it. Or, if it's stiffness that's causing the problem, add more Vaseline.
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dito on the Frig./freezer treatment, however the local 90* temps might let your lube run/fall out in storage.
Another option is to brew up some 45/45/10 “tumble lube” , just a thought
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im still trying, i might have been trying to do too many at one time, so im doing smaller batches, also noticed the grease groves or not real deap on these 45 bullets im trying to lube
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im still trying, i might have been trying to do too many at one time, so im doing smaller batches, also noticed the grease groves or not real deap on these 45 bullets im trying to lube
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Lyman's old pan lubing system had a tool for removing the bullets which they called a Kookie-Kutter (or was it a Kake-Kutter?). It was shaped a like a steel cartridge case with a very long neck. The inside diameter was just large enough to go over a bullet. The whole tool was hollow so that as additional bullets fed in from the bottom the earlier ones came out the top. I have made this type of tool before from old cartridge cases with the primer pocket drilled large enough for the bullets to pass thru. The beauty of this system is that a bit of lube is sheared away from the lube cake and comes out with the bullet. Also leaves convenient holes for the next batch of bullets.
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"its not sticking in the grease grove, less than half have very little in the grove?" If the bullets are not warmed up to the the same tempetature of the lube ... before cooling the pan lubed bullets, the lube usually does not stick. Also, if the lube is too warm when removing the bullets, the lube will separate from the GG's
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I'd try cutting the Vasoline 50/50 with Anhydrous Lanolin to make it stick AND slick. Then add that to the 1/3rd recipe you are using. Lanolin is a great lube besides being sticky and takes high heat better than any of the other ingrdients.............Dan
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i have been dip lubing with good success for several years. the trick is to put the bullets into melted lube and leave them in there untill they get up to about the same temp as the lube. i take the bullets out with needle nose pliers and put them on wax paper. then as the lube runs off i move them a time or 2 i have had no problem with the lube groove not being filled. except with some bullets made for black powder that has real wide grease grooves. i have just added whatever lube i have on hand to the pot... and you can get a small crock pot at the local thrift store they seem to always have some at good will or the salvation army. hope this works for you joe gifford aka argie1891
if you think you have it figured out then you just dont understand
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I've had poor luck with parafin mixes and prefer to stick with good, 1st filter beeswax when making lubes.
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I have been using “Speed Green” (Beeswax and Bullshop mold lube) as a pan lube. I put the bullets in a non stick round cake pan. The first time I pour in the lube and put them in the oven at about 190 degrees for say half an hour. Everything is up to temp and then I turn it off and let it cool. If I am in a hurry I use the freezer to “pop” the cake out of the pan. It will pop on its own after a few hours. I then use a piece of soft pine scrap and push the nose of each one out of the lube. As mentioned this leaves holes for the next round. I again put them in the oven until everything is melted and the same temp. I put in a small chunk of solid lube each time to keep the level the same. It seems to work fine for me. Remember the lube is very flammable and my oven is electric. I set the cooking time so it turns off after half an hour and also set a timer to remind me things are “cooking". I have not used this method on round or spire pointed bullets (pushing them out could deform the tip) but on flat points it has worked fine. A cutter made from an old case would work better on them.
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about three tablespoons of lanolin will be enough to make the lube tacky.
the first thing i'd do is is to cut the paraffin down to about 1/3 a lb.
then add the lanolin as the lube cools down or it'll burn.
the vaseline is also a long carbon chain and is related to the paraffin.
beeswax also has carbon chains and alcohols in it allowing the paraffin/vaselne to bond to it.
however the beeswax has holes in it that are about three time bigger allowing it to be a better carrier of lube.
the vaseline is a fine viscosity adjuster.
as is the parafin which is also capable of carrying lube or filling in the holes in the vaseline.
so far you got a lube
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I'm too, working with a shallow groove .45 boolit. I added some lanolin and heat the lube and boolits together. I can punch them out w/no prob. I've only beem making small batches of lube so to a cup (total) of Beeswax/paraffin/vaseline I added a tablespoon of lanolin...
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You need to warm up the bullets. I set my cake pan with the bullets in the oven set at warm for about 20 minutes prior to pouring in the lube. I used to have the same problem and this approach has eliminated the issue. I use the foam case holders of which will hold 50 bullets each and I turn two each upside down in the cake pan and leave them on the bullets during warm up so they don't fall over while moving them out to the pan lubing area. After the lube cake has set and been removed from the pan I stand it on edge and push a bullet part way out of each of the corners set the foam holder over these protruding bullets turn the lube cake right side up and push the remaining bullets in to the foam holders and you are ready to go. I also use an additional foam holder for a lid and use a rubber band to hold them together for protection.
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Try leaving out the parafin and the vasoline and use Carnauba wax and Alox 360 instead. You can find both on eBay.
Ot you casn mix beeswax with the Alox 360 have a really great lube for a reasonable price.
I warm up the pan to the point the mix is just barely liquid and then set the bullet in the pan.
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