Is this the right Alox ( Lee's liquid Alox)to use in making 50/50 Alox to Bees Wax lube? If so what speed should the bullets be kept under for pistol and maybe some rifle bullets? Thanks for any info.
Steve E.........
Is this the right Alox ( Lee's liquid Alox)to use in making 50/50 Alox to Bees Wax lube? If so what speed should the bullets be kept under for pistol and maybe some rifle bullets? Thanks for any info.
Steve E.........
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"Alox” is an old trade name for a company that is no longer in business (bought out by someone else). They had several hundred products of greases, oils and waxes. Using Lee Liquid Alox is an expensive way to make 50/50.
Most folks are using common chassis grease from the auto parts store and beeswax.
Most of these concoctions are good for 1250 f/s on plain base or 1800 f/s on gas checked bullets, depending upon how well the bullet fits the throat.
HTH, Ric
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It does seem expensive but I was given 3 or 4 bottles of the Lee Liquid Alox and was wondering if it would make a good lube as I have heard of people mixing it 50/50 with Bees Wax. I'll be using it mostly with .45 Colt and 45/70 both running about 1200 fps with gas check bullets. I know 45/70 at about 1200 fps doesn't usually need a Gas Check but that is the bullet it shoots the best with.
Steve E...........
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LLA and beeswax will require a heater on the lube and sizer to make it work unless you cut it with something alot softer.
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Alox 2138F is the type used in Col. E.H. Harrison's NRA formula.
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Is that different from the stuff in the bottle from Lee? Do you think the 50/50 mix will do a good job?
Steve E.............
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It's not even close to 2138F. Lee liquid Alox is a good product on it's own. If you are looking to make a lube for a mechanical luber, I do not think you would be happy with an LLA and beeswax mix. If you want to try the 2138F/beeswax mix, PM me with your address and I'll send you a bit of either the mix or straight 2138F. I moved recently and have way too much stuff. I'm not sure where my jar of 50/50 is, but I do know where my 2138F is.
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While we are on the subject of bullet lube could someone explain the difference between a solid stick of lube & a hollow one other than the obvious description of solid & hollow. Which one is preferred & do both have to be applied by a lubresizer? Do you need a different luber for each?
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The hollow stick is for using in a lube/sizer such as the Lyman 450. When loading the stick in the chamber it goes over a threaded rod that sticks up in the middle of the chamber. I don't know what the solids are for, but you could melt them and pan lube or pour the melted lube into the 450's chamber.
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The solid sticks are for the SAECO/Cramer, Pope and others that are made with the screw external to the lube chamber. On those, the screw winds down into the chamber to compress the lube. Ric
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The solid sticks are also used in the STAR sizer.
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