Anybody got a good lube for light 45-70 loads? Shot with no gas check. 350grn Lee bullet. Thanks.
Homemade lube for 45-70
- Last Post 15 March 2010
amb1935 Iuse for .30 loads 120, 180, and 200 grs cast bullit loads candelgrease 50% beewax 45% and 5% armament clean oil. It works perfect and is is cheap. I melt the mix and pour it in my Lyman 450 Leo367
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Any cheap grease mixed 3-1 with beeswax works fine as long as you are not pushing it to fast.
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Emmert's lube would work great. Easy to make 50% pure beeswax, 40% original crisco, 10% canola oil. Could add a bit of lanolin if desired.
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I use 50% beeswax and 50% high temp alox wheel bearing grease. I use it in everything from handgun and rifle up to 2200 fps. Melt equal portions in an old small sauce pan and I pour liquid into my sizer/luber. For non-sized 50 cal black powder conicals I pour into pie tin with bullets and cake cut with a fired 50 cal case with side ground away to retreive lubed bullets. Works great.
Because I said so!
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I use a 50/50 lube if I want to use something other than my normal lubes.
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I cook up triple batch of Felix lube every so often and use it in everything, winter and summer.:D
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I have used 50/50 Gulf Wax and Vasoline for a few years with good results.
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Canadian Tire Moly Grease is good for any velocity 45 - 70 is likely to achieve. Grouch
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60% beeswax/40% Vaseline works well from 1,000fps to 2,100fps in the .45 cals. with WW alloys. It also works amazingly well with black powder loads as as grease cookies with PP bullets.
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