Gentlemen. I have a 92 Winchester (1905-24” octagonal) converted from 25-20 to 357 Mag. I have read amongst the forums that these older Winchesters are not strong enough to take the magnum loads that I find in say the Lee Reloading Manual. I must confess that I enjoy the heck out of this old levergun and don't want to goof it up. What Loads do you recommend? I have a lot of Red Dot, 700X, H-110 and Reloder 7. About out of 2400 and Unique.:( I know that these powders narrow the field a bit but health keeps me from work and income and I have nothing with which to purchase powder. (Thank God I invested in Bullet moulds.) California has an eternal pig season and I'd like to drop an oinker with this gun someday. Give me your thoughts. Helice
PS C.E. Harris - Thanks for pointing me to Veral Smith back about 10 years. I have a collection of nice moulds and a good friend.:)