:armyhelmet: Following a short section in Mr. Brennan's book (I think that's where I read it), an idea hit me. He mentions cleaning firearms with just about any solvent you can think of. Recently, I bought a quart of Hoppe's #9 but, if I have a headache, I don't care for the smell. It does seem to get where it doesn't clean good somedays-might be me.
I walked out in the carport and picked up a rusty can of thinner for oil-based paint that I use to coat silhouette targets on the range. The stuff smells like white kerosene and , after putting it in a glass jar, I found out it looks exactly like kerosene. Undoubtedly, that's what it is. And it's cheap. So, I tried cleaning a pistol barrel with it, just to see if it cleaned good enough to consider-hey, it's my money, okay? Well, it does work, and better than you'd think. It's a little oilier than Hoppes with less light ends that evaporate, and seems to clean quicker. I see nothing but sharp-edged rifling down in there after just a few passes with a brush and then a few with a patch. Seems to work wonderfully fast without being too high in specific gravity(never mind, it ain't gasoline is what I'm sayin').
There's my Dollars and Sense, hmmm....