I have posted this on the Longrifle web site and thought this might be fun for discussion. I recently cut down a large birch tree and split out stock blanks from the stump part to make a ML shotgun. I had to pay all of $5.00 for the barrel and have decided to see how cheap I can go with all the parts I have on hand from previous projects. The “Traditional Bowyers Bible" gave a recipe for quick drying woods, but everyone seems to tell me I should wait two to three years for air dry. Stock blanks are Kiln dried. Been a fun little experiment. I choose the birch because we do not have any walnut, Few maples of stock wood size and so forth. Birch are practically weeds where I live so I chose birch. As I burn tons of firewood I have noticed excellent figure in a variety of trees when I split them out so am going to try different woods. Have an old plastic stocked 16 ga that could use wood.