I was considering installing a permanent beavertail on my 1911. which one would you recommend and why??
1911 Beavertail
- Last Post 07 May 2022
Not sure what you mean by a permanent BT. Do you mean one that's pinned down?
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Or are you considering the type where your frame needs to be cut to match the beavertail?
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Right now I have a Wilson drop-in BT. I want a permanent one where the frame has to be altered to fit.
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I think the Wilson “drop in” is as good a beavertail grip safety as there is. I’ve thought the expense and trouble of modifying a frame as having reached a point of diminishing returns. A long winded way saying I can’t recommend one. Though I think a beavertail grip safety of any type is a great addition to a 1911 pistol. The lack of hammer bite and the felt recoil reduction is worth the trouble.
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It depends on your frame. Different brands are better for some frames. I did this modification, and a bunch more to my carry 1911. I don't recall what brand I bought. I also ordered the Ed Brown installation jig. The hardened wheels weren't and got abused doing this, however it made a good guide. Once I was close it was a matter of file stroke, check fit, another file stroke, check fit... until it was near perfect. mine turned out good but nowhere near perfect. There are lots of reasons Joe Chambers gets what he gets for building 1911s. At the same time I installed a new hammer which in my case was necessary. It might or might not be in your case. I used cold blue to finish mine after and it looks great. IMHO EGW, Ed Brown, and Wilson all look good.
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