I am looking for a good hunting bullet for my 44 Mag contender, I was think of a 310 gr bullet, but can't find a lot of data or experience on 44 Mags for large deer hunting.
Any one have any ideas or suggestions?
I am looking for a good hunting bullet for my 44 Mag contender, I was think of a 310 gr bullet, but can't find a lot of data or experience on 44 Mags for large deer hunting.
Any one have any ideas or suggestions?
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I have a 10” T/C in .44 mag. Been shooting the SSK 320gr version which drops from my mould at 328grs from WW's. I size 'em .430 and load them up with 22grs W295. Using a 4X Burris the groups are down around 1” for 5 shots at 100 yards. I've used this load for over 20 years and have taken numerous deer and 3 bulls (elk).
Years ago I used the 429244 with 20grs 2400 and boy oh boy was that an elk whomper! Don't know why I drifted away from it, most likely experimenting with other loads. I know that it was very difficult to get 5 shot groups under 2” at 100 yards. But that is plenty accurate enough to handle game as far as the .44 should be used.
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Jerry I use PVC type 1 sheeting .062 thick.It is a grey color and I buy it online in 1'x2' sheets from www.smallparts.com.
I use wad punches from Fred Cornell to punch them out.
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One thing I didn't mention is I use a plain base bullet. No expensive copper hubcaps. The wad helps keep the base from melting and scrapes the bore down to minimize cleaning effort.
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The mate mould to the 429244 is the 429215. It's simply a shortened version, and shoots as well as it's big brother. It weighs 215 to 220 grs. in wheelweight alloy, gas checked and lubed. 25 grs. of H-110 gets it up to 1500 fps or more depending on barrel length.
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I have a 180gr WC mold that now and then I use them for target practice, because they cut a clean round hole.
With this weight of bullet I could make the bullet go a lot faster than 1400FPS is I want to and my hand are willing.
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I have a 260 gr LBT WFN I use for hunting. It is very accurate and I shoot it with a .430 PVC .062 thick wad over the powder and load it up with like 20 to 21 grs of H110. It is pretty hot, around 1400 fps, but it sure kills deer dead! No leading when cast out of 50/50 WW and soft lead with 1% tin added.
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Anyone use any bullets in the 180 to 200 gr sizes for hunting?
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For the 44 mag with the 429244 I am using 23.5 grains of WW 296 with cci 350 primers in WW brass. In the 357 with the 358156 I am using 14.5 grains of old Hercules 2400 in R-P brass and Winchester SP primers.
Those are the two Ray Thompson Lyman bullets, and the loads that I use.
With the big RCBS bullet in the 44 mag I use 19 grains of WW 296 in WW cases with the CCI 350 primer.
I have not botthered to chrono any of these loads, but can tell you that they are about as hot as I care to shoot in my 629 61/2 inch S&W revolver. Maybe in a Super Redhawk or other heavier gun I'd go hotter, but not in my Smith. I also have a Tarus 44 Mag Tracker. I only shoot the lighter 265 grain pills in it. The gun is just too light to make anything else fun. Besides, I'm not in the land of the Kodiack bear.
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What is the load you are using?
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I cast the RCBS 300 grn gssw in its 429 size. Out of Wheel Weights it and lubes and checks at about 318 grains. I think that it is just what you'd want. The only bad thing about it is that it only comes in a two cavity version.
If you are willing to cut down weight wise to 265 grains the Lyman Ray Thompson design 429244GC is available in a four cavity version. Lubed, sized and checked it comes out at about 265 grains.
I cannot say enough about the two Ray Thompson designed bullets in their Lyman form. I have both of his moulds in the four cavity design: The 358156GC and the 429244GC. The first cast, checks, and lubes out of WW's at about 161 grns, and the second cast, checks, and lubes at 265 grns. For any 38, 357, or 44 these two bullets do it all, and they fit you out for anything in the world.
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Thank you for the loading ideas, I was planning on IMR 4227 as the powder. The mold was shipped this morning.
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Hey Jerry; My contender shooting is strictly target practice. A 44 mag with any bullet will kill deer effectivly if placed good. My hunting experience with a 44 has made me find powders with a lower frequency report. 2400 and 4227 are good for tolerable hearing effects. Both, I have used and killed deer as well as pigs. Florida deer are not so big, I kill them with a 200 gr home cast semi wad. Even my bad shots have always gotten prey down. Your big ol bullet should knock them for a loop. It'll knock you some too. Good luck
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I've owned both a super 14, and I use the Lee 310 FPRN GC mould, but never put them together. I got out of Contenders years before the Lee mould was available. The Lee bullet is a dandy, and very accurate in the three .44 revolvers I currently shoot. It is probably more bullet than any deer would require, but I've not drawn blood with it. I have killed deer with the Lyman 429244, and it is very effective. I think it would penetrate a deer end for end.
With that long barrel, I would think H-110, WW 296, or Hodgdon Lil'Gun would be the ticket. 19 gr. of Lil'Gun behind the Lee 310 yields 1380 fps. in my 7 1/2” Redhawk. This load is safe in my gun, you'll have to work up from below in yours.
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I just ordered a 310gr .430 Lee six gang mold, thought I would give that a try. The delivery is on Boxing Day, so the newnest will have worn off on my Christmas presents and my grand children will be tired out from Christmas.
Merry Christmas,
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